
Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Commissioned Guardian Angel Paintings by Marina Petro


"Val's Angel"

Val's Angel is a commissioned painting ordered by a collector who was interested in my depiction of her Guardian Angel. She fell in love with it the moment she laid her eyes on it!!

I am currently accepting commissions for original angel paintings which depict your guardian angel...or, ordered as a gift for someone special in your life! 

These paintings are created intuitively as I focus my attention and intention on manifesting the presence of your guardian angel with brush and paint on canvas or painting panel.

People have ordered angels for  Good Fortune, Love, Forgiveness, Healing, simply Guardian Angels, etc...Contact me if you would like a Guardian Angel painted just for you!

Here's more information at my website

Today's Quotation: "Silence is the language God speaks and everything else is a bad translation."
Fr. Thomas Keating

That's it for today folks! 
May you all be blessed with all that is good...


Friday, October 9, 2020

'Early Autumn on Lake George"

11x14 inches
Original oil painting on panel

Only one in the entire universe...and it could be yours!
Certificate Of Authenticity provided with every original painting.

***Framing is available as depicted in the photo below at an extra cost. Contact me for details.

***Price includes shipping and insurance for unframed painting.

Today's Quotation: "A true work of art is but a shadow of the Divine Perfection"


Thursday, July 9, 2020

Evening Glow-Original Landscape Painting

"Angel's Playground"
15 x 30 inches
Original oil painting on stretched canvas

Only one in the entire universe...and it could be yours!
Certificate Of Authenticity provided with every original painting.

Evening Glow was inspired by a photograph my daughter, Yvonne, took on her way home through Lake George, NY. Can you imagine this serene and beautiful work of art in your home or workspace? 

Today's Quotation:  "Beauty will save the world."
-F. Dostoevsky

Thursday, May 28, 2020

lotus, water lily, flower, pond
Original oil painting on canvas, 8x10 inches

LOTUS-Original oil painting on canvas. Created from a photograph I took at the Yaddo Artist Retreat water garden in my current and beautiful home town of Saratoga Springs, NY. The colors used in this painting are healing colors....In a nutshell...the pink represents love, the white, spirituality and the green healing and prosperity. Ponder this work of art and absorb it's healing qualities.

Today's Quotation: "Have no fear of perfection, you'll never reach it.
-Salvatore Dali

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Valentine's Day-Fine Art Framed Angel Prints

                Angel Of Love..................................................................  Angel Of Hearts

What better way to express your love than to give the gift of an angel.

Just below is the link to the Framed Angel Fine Art Prints at my Etsy Shop. 
Order now and there's still plenty of time to receive before Valentines Day.

Today's Quotation: "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs."
-1 Corinthians 13:4-5

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Angelic Dimensions-Original oil painting by Marina Petro

"Angel's Playground"
18 x 14 inches
Original oil painting on stretched canvas
Shipped Framed

Only one in the entire universe...and it could be yours!

Certificate Of Authenticity provided with every original painting.

ANGELIC DIMENSIONS is yet another celestial creation painted intuitively moment to moment from my ever active imagination. I actually feel 'more at home' painting celestial scenes than any other...hhhmm

It is being offered and shipped framed in a thin black wooden frame as shown in photo above.

Price includes a Certificate Of Authenticity, shipping costs and insurance for US purchases. 
International purchases....please contact me for shipping cost. 

I welcome your inquiries.....and possibly any reasonable offers....

Today's Quotation: "Beauty awakens the soul to act."

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

INTUITION on STEROIDS-Intuition Workout Workshop

"The Messenger"
From the original oil painting by Marina Petro

Are you aware that intuition is often depicted as a white bird, or eagle, soaring through the heavens? One of the reasons for this is the deeper insightful ‘birds eye view’ of life and situations that your intuition brings to you…the greater picture…

Albert Einstein…(pretty smart dude) said “The only real valuable thing is intuition.”

Intuition is considered as the highest form of human intelligence. It’s that unique ability to directly understand something even without logic or analytic reasoning.

If you are up for a Great Adventure in this New Year to expand your awareness exponentially and develop your intuition consciously, the Intuition Workout workshop -1 online is for you!

It’s coming up VERY soon…..Begins Saturday, January 11 from 9:00 - 10:30 am for 4 consecutive Saturdays online. If for any reason you cannot attend online, I will make the video and audio recordings available to watch at your convenience.

I will need to know if you are interested in attending and register by Wed, January 8 ….just short of one week away!

For all Details + Registration:

Check out the fascinating story of how I discovered my intutive/psychic talents here:

Hope to see you online later this month!

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

SUNFLOWER PARTY-Original Painting by Marina Petro

©Marina Petro

"Sunflower Party"
14x11 inches
Original plein air acrylic painting on panel

Only one in the entire universe...and it could be yours!
Certificate Of Authenticity provided with every original painting.

SUNFLOWER PARTY was painted outdoors on a beautiful summer day at the entrance to the famous Victoria Pool at Saratoga Springs State Park in Saratoga Springs, NY. I've been painting there for the past few years and thoroughly enjoy the amazing floral displays and the creativity they inspire!

Today's Quotation:  "The Earth without ART is just eh.....

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

"My Brain" ~ Jury's Favorite 15%

©Marina Petro
From The Zone Series ~ "My Brain"

Prints on paper and canvas are available in several sizes~contact me for details

What a lovely surprise!! I just received an email informing me that a painting I entered in the May 2019 BoldBrush Painting competition at Fine Art Studios Online is one of the jury's favorite 15% of all the entries. 

The painting is From The Zone Series "My Brain" originally painted with tempera paint on  22"x28" paper. It is now available as a print. 

This painting was created as the result of a very strong impression I received to paint an abstract depiction of my brain. I chose the first color I was attracted to ....tuned into my brain....and began to paint non-stop until the painting was finished. 

So, take a good look and try to imagine what it is like being in my brain....Maybe you'd like to try your hand at painting your brain....

In any case, have fun if you try either!!

Today's Quotation: "To have taken up painting, no matter at what age, or point in one's life, is to have entered into a new and deeper awareness of the whole meaning of existence, to have tasted spiritual refreshment, and to have found the perfect form of creative relaxation." 
-Mervyn Levy

Monday, July 1, 2019

VIEW FROM WIAWAKA-Lake George, Original Oil Painting by Marina Petro

"View From Wiawaka~Lake George"
14x11 inches
Original plein air oil painting on stretched canvas

Only one in the entire universe...and it could be yours!
Certificate Of Authenticity provided with every original painting.

The weather forecast was grim with severe thunderstorms predicted  the morning I decided to drive to Lake George, NY to paint this beautiful lake from the dock at Wiawaka Center For Women. The Wiawaka center is a charitable organization dedicated to enriching the lives of women.

As it turned out, it was the most beautiful, peaceful morning and perfect painting experience. The scene was overcast and the distant hills were muted in beautiful silver shades. I sat on the dock painting, enraptured by the sound of the water lapping rhythmically as it met with the dock and shore. I hope my 'close to but not quite'experience of Nirvana is transmitted through this work of art...I will certainly paint there again this summer, God willing...

Today's Quotation:  The more important a call or action is to our soul's evolution, the more Resistance we will feel toward pursuing it."
~From "The War of Art" by Steven Pressfield


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