From "The Zone" Series #26
Mixed media on stretched canvas-original NFS
Prints on 13"x19" paper can be ordered directly from me at $29 ea. Email me for additional information....link is below
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Here I am again with another painting from "The Zone." Hope you enjoy it. My latest challenge (from another zone) has been with woodpeckers eating the front of my house away. Do you believe it??? With all the trees out here they chose my house to make their nests. There are holes all over now. We've patched the holes but they just find a new place to peck away.We're able to chase them when we are here but they really go to town when we're
out. They seem to have let up the past few days and hopefully have gone south or somewhere else...Has anyone out there had any experience like this? If so, I'd appreciate any information.
Today's Quote: "When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained."
-Mark Twain
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