
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

"Three Plums" by Marina Petro

"Three Plums"
Original oil on Raymar Canvas Panel
Email me to inquire about purchasing this piece.

This is a painting I did when I attended Carol Marine's wonderful workshop last month. Better late than never...My intention for the workshop was to learn to paint faster, which would hopefully make it a bit easier to keep up with the rigors of daily painting. What I found is that it is difficult to integrate new ways of doing things in the immediate. We are creatures of habit. I do like this painting though. It was more along the lines of an exercise in values and applying Carol's technique which is quite foreign to me. It involved simply putting down your color and not going over or blending anything. I am accustomed to blending my colors on the canvas which was a no no. I am happy I attended and we'll see how it all washes out...

Today's Quotation: "Men judge us by the success of our efforts. God looks at the efforts themselves."
-Charlotte Bronte

Email Marina


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  1. Marina, The plum painting is very strong in composition and color. I thought I would learn to paint small and quickly from Carol but it amazes me how long it takes me to paint a little still life while trying to keep it looking quick and simple.

  2. Hi Marina! this looks wonderful! Didnt we learn so much? I love the handout Carol gave us. My copy started to get wrinkled and paninted on, so I went and copied it again so I could reference the information without trying to look through the paint splotches. I love your colors and brushstrokes here.

  3. This is wonderful, Marina. I love the simplicity and energy of this piece.

    I agree that it IS difficult to change the way we paint, but you'll figure out what you want to take from what you learned to apply to your own techniques.
