
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

"Apple & Plum" by Marina Petro

"Apple & Plum"
6"x 8" Original oil on Raymar canvas panel
Email me to inquire about purchasing this piece.

Here is another painting I did during Carol Marine's workshop which I mentioned in yesterday's post. I don't remember what the specific task was for this one. It might have been using a limited palette or specific colors. What I do remember is that we were given a limited and specific amount of time to complete it. I am going outdoors now to pull out some of the remnants of last years flowers and then head into my studio to work on a painting I began that I wished I'd finished yesterday...

Today's Quotation: "Every man is a damn fool for at least five minutes every day; wisdom consists in not exceeding the limit."
-Elbert Hubbard

Email Marina


Studio Tour


  1. Marina, I learned so much from Carol's workshop even though it is not all that fresh in my mind, either. I really enjoyed the simple palette, her use of grays and lost and found edges. I only wish I could do it.

  2. Marina...the colors work together beautifully....very loose!
