
Thursday, April 30, 2009

"Big Daddy" by Marina Petro

"Big Daddy"
5"x 7" Original oil painting on canvas board
Email me to inquire about purchasing this piece.

This is just one of those days that I don't have much to say about anything. I need to get into my studio to paint and 'chill' out...

Today's quotation: "The artist goes through states of fullness and emptiness, and that is all there is to the mystery of art."
-Pablo Picasso

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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

"Apple & Plum" by Marina Petro

"Apple & Plum"
6"x 8" Original oil on Raymar canvas panel
Email me to inquire about purchasing this piece.

Here is another painting I did during Carol Marine's workshop which I mentioned in yesterday's post. I don't remember what the specific task was for this one. It might have been using a limited palette or specific colors. What I do remember is that we were given a limited and specific amount of time to complete it. I am going outdoors now to pull out some of the remnants of last years flowers and then head into my studio to work on a painting I began that I wished I'd finished yesterday...

Today's Quotation: "Every man is a damn fool for at least five minutes every day; wisdom consists in not exceeding the limit."
-Elbert Hubbard

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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

"Three Plums" by Marina Petro

"Three Plums"
Original oil on Raymar Canvas Panel
Email me to inquire about purchasing this piece.

This is a painting I did when I attended Carol Marine's wonderful workshop last month. Better late than never...My intention for the workshop was to learn to paint faster, which would hopefully make it a bit easier to keep up with the rigors of daily painting. What I found is that it is difficult to integrate new ways of doing things in the immediate. We are creatures of habit. I do like this painting though. It was more along the lines of an exercise in values and applying Carol's technique which is quite foreign to me. It involved simply putting down your color and not going over or blending anything. I am accustomed to blending my colors on the canvas which was a no no. I am happy I attended and we'll see how it all washes out...

Today's Quotation: "Men judge us by the success of our efforts. God looks at the efforts themselves."
-Charlotte Bronte

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Monday, April 27, 2009

"Hibiscus" by Marina Petro

6"x 8" oil on gallery wrapped canvas, painted around all sides. Can be hung with or without a frame.
Email me to inquire about purchasing this piece.

This flower was painted from a hibiscus tree in my sun room. The backdrop is one of my larger cosmic type paintings with clouds.

Today's Quotation: "Without passion man is a mere latent force and possibility, like the flint which awaits the shock of the iron before it can give forth its spark."
-Henri-Frederic Amiel

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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Pears & Grapes by Marina Petro

"Pears & Grapes"
6x8 inches
Original oil painting on gallery wrapped canvas, painted around all sides.
Email me to inquire about purchasing this piece.

I am not crazy about the background color with this painting but decided to leave it regardless. What I have found consistently is that very often, what I don't particularly like is something someone else loves. Paintings I thought would never sell, sold sooner than the ones I thought would fly out of here, or wherever they were. I thought the very first angel painting I did years ago (Angel Descending) was terrible. It sold immediately and continues to be one of the most popular cards and prints I have.

Today's Quotation: "Painting seems to be my obsession. I feel some resentment at all the other things in life that take me away from my studio. This obsession constantly judges all other calls on my time and energy."
-Sue Cowan

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Saturday, April 25, 2009

"Clouds" by Marina Petro

Oil on gallery wrapped canvas painted around all sides. Can be hung with or without a frame.
Email me to inquire about purchasing this piece.

I love painting clouds. When I do it seems to bring me 'out of this world' and into a freer unlimited space that feels very familiar and comfortable. I suppose we experience the essence and nature of what we paint.

Today's Quotation: "I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day."
-E. B. White

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Thursday, April 23, 2009

"Bog Meadow" by Marina Petro

"Bog Meadow"
Oil on gallery wrapped stretched canvas.
Painted around all sides. Can be hung without a frame if desired.
Email me to inquire about purchasing this piece.

This piece was painted from a photo I snapped en route to Saratoga Springs, NY along a marsh. I live in the quiet countryside surrounding Saratoga and trek into the city most days to get my mail, run errands and other fun stuff. Saratoga, a magical little city, is famous for it's summer throughbred horse racing, healing springs, and mineral baths.

Today's Quotation: "Nature knows no pause in progress and development, and attaches her curse on all inaction." -Goethe

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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

"Shaman's Dream" by Marina Petro

"Shaman's Dream"
Oil on stretched canvas
Email me to inquire about purchasing this painting.

This is an 'automatic' painting. I began by clearing my mind of any end result and began to paint spontaneously with burnt umber. Initially, when a recognizable image began to appear I tried to ignore it and continue to paint until most of the canvas was covered. That's when I stood back and clearly saw the face at the bottom left, angel at the top left and the bird's face in the center. What a surprise! At that point I began to add color and define the existing forms a bit more. This is a very exciting way to paint...purely from the subconscious mind. Click on my blog link below if you'd like to leave a comment...

Today's Quotation: "We cannot escape fear. We can only transform it into a companion that accompanies us on al our exciting adventures. Take a risk a day - one small or bold stroke that will make you feel great once you have done it."
-Susan Jeffers

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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

"Dusk" (completed) by Marina Petro

Original oil on stretched canvas
Email me to inquire about purchasing this piece.

I posted "Dusk" in process last week. I happily finished the painting today. It is difficult to describe the feeling whenever I finish a painting, whether small or large. In part, it is a sense of relief, satisfaction, a great exhale-as if I were holding my breath, closure of a mystery...yes...a mystery because I never really know what will manifest on the canvas. It's truly a great least for me...

Today's Quotation: "Life beats down and crushes the soul, and art reminds you that you have one."
-Stella Adler

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Monday, April 20, 2009

"Limes In A Bowl" by Marina Petro

"Limes In A Bowl"
6x8 inches
Oil on Raymar Canvas Panel

I am enjoying painting fruit on colorful fabrics. I've been scouring the house for interesting fabric patterns and found quite a few which include some of my clothing. I'm happy with this painting. It's so bright and lifts my energy when I view it. Generally, the color red denotes high energy/vitality and green represents healing and prosperity. See you again real soon...

Daily Quotation: "Travelers, there is no path. Paths are made by walking."
-Antonio Machado

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Sunday, April 19, 2009

"THE SECRET" by Marina Petro

"The Secret"
6"x6" Original oil on Raymar Canvas Panel
Email me if you are interested in purchasing this painting.

I was moving my fruit models around on the kitchen counter trying to find just the right combination to paint. These two struck just the right pose. I am always delighted when something whimsical/entertaining happens and I can come up with a catchy title. Doesn't take much to keep me happy...

Todays Quotation: "Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace."

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Saturday, April 18, 2009

"SUNSET" by Marina Petro

"Sunset" $39 + shipping
Oil on tiny stretched canvas painted around all sides.
I will provide a tiny easel for display purposes can frame it as desired.

Email me if you'd like to purchase this piece.

This is a 'cute' little painting. It looks much better in 'real life' than in this photo which has some glare on the left. The actual colors are brighter but, try as I might, I couldn't get a good shot of this one and it's too rainy and dark out now to even attempt it again. Every once in a while I like to try my hand at these tiny canvases. I have about 6 more left.

Incidentally, for those of you who are not on my regular mailing list and might live closeby, here is the link to a workshop I am presenting next Saturday..."Awaken The Genius Of Your Intuition."

Today's Quotation: "The only real valuable thing is intuition."
-Albert Einstein

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Friday, April 17, 2009

"GARDEN OF LIGHT" by Marina Petro

"Garden Of Light"
Oil on canvas textured panel-notched on back for easy hanging without a frame.
Email me to inquire about purchasing this piece.

I was going to title this piece 'Meditation Garden' but decided on 'Garden Of Light" After painting still life and more structured pieces, I usually get a strong impulse to just cut loose and paint something purely from my imagination. It is a good balance for me. I learn so much from the more realistic pieces. It involves a completely different level of 'seeing'...much more analytical in its own way, but also includes intuition. Painting is a good exercise for the brain. Glad mine is still in relatively good working order...better than a few of my other parts lately...

Today's Quotation: "A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul."
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Passion For Painting Award

I am happy to announce that I have been honored with the
"Passion For Painting Award"by Linda Apple. Visit her blog for a visual treat. Be sure to scroll down to "Love At First Sight" and "The Scandalous Lady Lenore." They are sure to bring a smile.
Thank you Linda!

Here are the rules:
List 7 things you love
Put a link to the one who picked you
Choose 7 others to pass the award to
Notify them of their award

Seven things I love:
My 3 daughters, granddaughter, and sweetheart, Victor
The awesome beauty of God's creation
The ocean
My dead dog and soulmate, Ting

Here are the seven artists I am honoring:
K.Madison Moore
Diane Hoeptner
Jeanne Illenye
Rob Hazzard
Sandra Galda
Karen Bruson


"Solitary Confinement"
6x6 inches
Oil on Raymar Canvas Panel
Email me if you are interested in purchasing this piece.

This is one of my rare attempts to paint glass. Glass has been one of the subjects that has always intimidated me. I'm very happy with the result. It was difficult but worth the effort and I'm looking forward to doing more.

Today's Quotation: "Being an artist is like being the condemned Sisyphus who ceaselessly rolled a rock to the top of a mountain, whence the stone would fall back of its own weight. The artist must start with a blank canvas, work and finish only to start endlessly anew." -Andrew Hamilton

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Monday, April 13, 2009

"GOLDEN MEADOW" by Marina Petro

"Golden Meadow"
Oil on stretched canvas
Email meif you are interested in purchasing this painting.

Here is another larger painting I've recently completed. The photos do not do it justice...they are a bit blurry. I need to photograph it again but wanted to post it today. I've been in battle with bronchitis for the past week and a bit 'spaced out' from the cough medicine and sleep deprivation...or is it the coughing that has rattled my brain? In any case, it's been difficult to paint, and when I have, I messed up my attempts quite exquisitely.

I am pleased with this painting though. In many ways, it was a meditative experience. I could call it 'One Million Yellow Dots' which would be fitting. I actually enjoy painting little dots. I tried to get a variety of yellows in the field. Doesn't the detail look like a neat little painting? I'm tempted to paint the detail onto it's own canvas. Oh, so many ideas and only one me...I hope you enjoy viewing it.

Again, I have named it "Golden Meadow" but if anyone has a better idea for a title, I would really appreciate your ideas.

Today's Quotation: "Beauty is everywhere, but one may see the beautiful view and the other sees a dirty window. You have the power within you to choose what you see, what you think and what you paint."
-Leanne Cadden

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Saturday, April 11, 2009

"LADYBUG" by Marina Petro

6x6 inches
Oil on Raymar Canvas Panel
I though this painting was finished when I completed painting the two pears.
I liked it well enough, but thought it needed something else. I pondered for a few moments and then a ladybug popped into my mind. Now I'm very happy with it. Hope you like it too.

Daily Quotation: "The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you; Don't go back to sleep. You must ask for what you really want; Don't go back to sleep. People are going back and forth across the doorsill where the two worlds touch. The door is round and open. Don't go back to sleep.

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Friday, April 10, 2009

"Little Green Apple" by Marina Petro

"Little Green Apple"
3x3 inches
Oil on stretched canvas painted around all sides.
Email me for purchasing options.

This is a really 'cute' little painting. I practiced what I learned in Carol Marine's workshop last month which I enjoyed immensely. This painting looks better 'in person' than in the photograph which is a tiny bit washed out on my screen.A few more little ones will be coming soon.

Today's Quotation: "I like to have a thing suggested rather than told in full. When every detail is given, the mind rests satisfied, and the imagination loses the desire to use its own wings."
-Thomas Bailey Aldrich

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Thursday, April 9, 2009

"TOWARD HEAVEN" by Marina Petro

"Toward Heaven"
6x12 inches
Oil on canvas textured board
This piece has a notch in the back for hanging without a frame.
Email me for purchasing options.

There is something so utterly freeing when a spontaneous painting from my imagination is in process...and better yet, when I like the result.

I am a fairly organized person but my studio has been looking like a bomb hit it. The last time I cleaned it up was for my annual studio sale with the failed promise to myself that I would keep it looking spanking clean and organized. It got to the point this week where I couldn't stand it any more. I took a trip to Home Depot earlier today and bought two nifty storage cabinets with 4 drawers in each...roomy.

Today's Quotation: "Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures.
-Henry Ward Beecher

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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

"SERENITY GARDEN" by Marina Petro

"Serenity Garden"
8x10 inches
Oil on stretched canvas
Email me to inquire about purchasing this piece.

I don't know about anyone else, but when I view this painting I am flooded with a feeling of serenity, as I am with most of the garden paintings I do. I wish I was there bathing in the warm light. We had snow flurries in upstate NY today...ugh...another chilly raw and windy day. Very draining.

Check out my new store at Etsy here. I'll be adding more paintings regularly.

Today's Quotation: "Innocence dwells in Wisdom, but never with Ignorance." -William Blake)

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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

"DUSK" -In Process-by Marina Petro

16x20 inches on stretched canvas

Thought I'd share the current larger painting that is in process. I don't intend to continue working on it for a few days. I'll be working on smaller ones. I'll post the finished piece when it is completed. I still have to paint the reflection of the trees on the left in the water and add fog coming up into the tree lines and more defined fog along the water. This is the primary composition though. I am temporarily calling it 'Dusk'-something- But...I'd love it if you want to email me or leave a comment at my blog (link below) with a title that you'd like to suggest.

Today's Quotation: "The creation of art is the passion. The completion of art only ignites another creation."
-Jeffrey Breslow

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Monday, April 6, 2009

"COSMIC LIGHT 1" by Marina Petro

"Cosmic Light 1"
6x6 inches
Oil on Raymar Canvas Panel
Email me to inquire about purchasing this piece.

Here is another painting from my imagination. Once again, I just began putting color down on the canvas and moving it around until something pleasing developed. I've called another painting 'Cosmic Light' in the past so I added the number '1' after the title here. It's not too late to change it so if anyone wants to offer another option for a title, please feel free to email me.

On another note, I am offering several workshops this Spring having to do with intuition in one form or another. Check it out here if you'd like to expand your perceptual horizons...

Today's Quotation: "We are each gifted in a unique and important way. It is our privilege and our adventure to discover our own special light."
~Mary Dunbar

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Saturday, April 4, 2009

"FIRE BELOW" by Marina Petro

Fire Below

8" x 6" (20.4cm x 15.3cm)
Oil on Panel
$100 plus $10 shipping and handling in the US
E-mail me for International shipping rates or other inquiries.

Painted on gallery wrapped stretched canvas. Can be hung with or without a frame. Insurance included in shipping charge.

A little different than what I usually post. This painting was inspired by a photograph my brother took.

Today's Quotation: "Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire."
-Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

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Friday, April 3, 2009


Apple 1
6" x 6" (15.3cm x 15.3cm)
Oil on Panel
$100 plus $10 shipping and handling in the US
E-mail me for International shipping rates or other inquiries.

Doesn't this golden apple look like royalty?

I'm not very talkative today but I found this link you might find very interesting:
"Great Moments In Apple History"'s my latest Newsletter

Today's Quotation: "Did perpetual happiness in the Garden of Eden maybe get so boring that eating the appe was justified?
-Chuck Palahniu

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Thursday, April 2, 2009

"FIREBIRD" by Marina Petro

30"x40" Oil on stretched canvas
If interested in purchasing, please email me directly. Link is below.

This is a painting I completed a while ago. I have another phoenix rising floating around my brain but haven't gotten to the point where I am ready to try my hand at painting it.

Today's Quotatio: "Learn something new. Try something different. Convince yourself that you have no limits."
-Brian Tracy

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

"NIGHT BLOOMS" by Marina Petro

Night Blooms
7" x 5" (17.8cm x 12.7cm)
Oil on Panel
$100 plus $10 shipping and handling in the US
E-mail me for International shipping rates or other inquiries.

Shipping includes insurance.

Another garden from my fertile imagination. I had begun a cosmic/space scene under this one which was a disaster. I wiped almost everything off and rather than stress myself out even more, I took up my brush, jumped in, started pushing paint around and here we are with Night Blooms. Hope you enjoy viewing it.

...Regarding today's quotation: I remember telling my mother I wanted to be a cowgirl...really badly...

Today's Quotation: One fine day... as my mother was putting the bread in the oven, I went up to her, and taking her by her flour-smeared elbow I said to her, "Mama ... I want to be a painter."
-Marc Chagall

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