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"Apple 1"
6x6 inches
Original oil painting on Raymar Canvas Panel
$100 + shipping
Purchase at eBay here
The apple was painted from life and the background spontaneously from my imagination. I had the apple sitting on a white piece of fabric with no real background structure. I like the 'dreamy' quality. I titled this piece 'Apple 1' because I wasn't feeling too creative with titles and noticed that I had another painting called 'Apple.' Assuming I will be painting other lone apples at some point, I decided to begin to number them. This piece looks much better 'in real life' than it does in this photo.
Ah, the sun finally came out just now! It's already 1:30. I had planned to drive into town very early today...but...it's been snowing and pretty windy and I decided to stay put until it tempers. I used my time productively though. Here's the link to the newsletter I just finished. I hope you enjoy it along with today's apple. I'm off to town now...
I send you all my heartfelt wishes for a New Year of good health, good cheer, many blessings and God's Grace...
Today's Quote: "The best way to predict your future is to create it."
-Abraham Lincoln
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