
Saturday, March 6, 2010

MAGICAL POND~Water Lily Pond Landscape Oil Painting by Marina Petro

Artist~Marina Petro, Saratoga Springs, NY USA
"Magical Pond"
Original oil painting on stretched canvas
Purchase securely at my ETSY SHOP or EMAIL me for other purchasing options.

I finished this piece a while ago.  Click on the image to see more of the detail and infused light I captured. Funny, when I look at this painting I think to myself..."Would I be able to paint this again?" "How did I do it?" I actually don't remember the process I decided to use from A-Z.  I'd bought a new, quite expensive, Monarch No.10 flat brush which I used on most of the leaves in the foreground. The accordion like leaves came out far beyond my expectations and I do wonder...would I be able to do it again? ...not that I want to but...I still wonder...

This illustrates the beauty, discovery and adventure of 'being in the moment' in any creative pursuit...when the analytical and intuitive blend and create something that has never existed before on the planet...especially when you are surprised and like the result...

The colors I chose for Magical Pond are the primary colors that invoke a calm, meditative state, healing, prosperity (growth) and well being. Pay does it make you feel?

Today's Quotation: “I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being.”
~ Hafiz

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