
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

EVIDENCE OF ANGELS~An Angel A Day ~ Angel book, artwork, paintings, prints and cards by Marina Petro

"Evidence Of Angels"
20 x 24 Original oil painting on canvas
Purchase securely at my ETSY SHOP or email me for other purchasing options.
From the book: ANGELS~Guardians From Heaven and Their Habitats
A beautiful book to inspire and lift your spirit.

I began this painting by just dipping my brush in the first color I was attracted to and then continuing in this manner. At one point I felt the painting was completed and put it aside for a little bit and took a break. When I came back, it looked like it needed something else. I painted the angels in a kind of exploratory way-not quite sure how they would turn out. I liked what I'd done and deemed it finished. It's always a new adventure when I paint in this manner as opposed to my still life, landscape, and more realistic pieces.

Quotation from the book: 
"The golden moments in the stream of life rush past us and we see nothing but sand; the angels come to visit us, and we only know them when they are gone."

~George Elliot

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