
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

"APPLE 1" (correction) By Marina Petro

You are receiving this post twice because the link to my newsletter didn't work in the first one

"Apple 1"
6x6 inches
Original oil painting on Raymar Canvas Panel
$100 + shipping
Purchase at eBay here
The apple was painted from life and the background spontaneously from my imagination. I had the apple sitting on a white piece of fabric with no real background structure. I like the 'dreamy' quality. I titled this piece 'Apple 1' because I wasn't feeling too creative with titles and noticed that I had another painting called 'Apple.' Assuming I will be painting other lone apples at some point, I decided to begin to number them. This piece looks much better 'in real life' than it does in this photo.

Ah, the sun finally came out just now! It's already 1:30. I had planned to drive into town very early's been snowing and pretty windy and I decided to stay put until it tempers. I used my time productively though. Here's the link to the newsletter I just finished. I hope you enjoy it along with today's apple. I'm off to town now...

I send you all my heartfelt wishes for a New Year of good health, good cheer, many blessings and God's Grace...

Today's Quote: "The best way to predict your future is to create it."
-Abraham Lincoln

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Boundless Gallery
Prints on canvas or paper at Imagekind!
Marina's Art On Fine Merchandise at Cafe Press

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