
Saturday, November 29, 2008

"SUN STORM" by Marina Petro

"Sun Storm"
6" x 12" Oil on canvas textured board.

This piece flowed beautifully as I was creating it. Yes, another intuitive painting from my imagination. These spontaneous paintings are much like the mystery of giving birth...moreso than other forms of painting such as still lives or recognizable landscapes where there is a general idea of what the end result is going to be. This is creating in the moment and a real heightening of the senses. I suppose it's more 'genuine.'

I'm not always sure what I am going to paint when I enter my studio. I usually have one or two paintings in process and when the impulse suddenly presents itself to begin a spontaneous painting as this one is, I seize the opportunity. I purchased these long boards with the thought that I'd paint landscapes on them but so far, I've been using them for my cosmic landscapes. This painting will also be available at my Annual Open Studio Exhibit and Sale this Sunday.

Today's Quotation: "If a thing loves, it is infinite."
-William Blake

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