
Monday, November 10, 2008

PEACH & PEARS by Marina Petro

“Peach & Pears”
6" x 6" (15.3cm x 15.3cm)
Oil on Raymar Canvas Panel

This was pure pleasure to paint. There are times when I struggle quite a bit while painting. This wasn't one of them. Everything seemed to come together effortlessly. These daily paintings often take more than one day/sitting to complete. I am pleased with the fruit but even more pleased with the background. By the time I got to finishing up the background I was pretty tired and quickly rendered it with just a few quick strokes.

Below is a quote from one of my favorite books: "The War Of Art" by Stephen Pressfield.

Today's Quotation: "We have a wonderful world to be inspired by and each new day is like an adventure into the unknown, where things that require a second glance can be captured in time on a canvas for anyone to enjoy forever."
-Louise Corke

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