
Monday, November 24, 2008

"ONE BIG APPLE" by Marina Petro

"One Big Apple"
6"x8" Oil on Raymar Canvas Panel
Purchase here at eBay for $99
I am greatly enjoying painting fruit on decorative fabric. I'd only done this before when I was painting larger (and very few) still lives. The challenge of daily painting has stretched my creativity in ways I could not have imagined. If I hadn't made the commitment to daily (or almost) painting, and blogging, it would be VERY easy to let all life's interferences get in the way. Now it's just the big ones or bunches of little ones in any one day that prevent me from dancing with my easel...usually due to total exhaustion. It does feel like 'someone is watching' and they are...

Today's Quotation: "Beauty is everywhere a welcome guest."
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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Boundless Gallery
Prints on canvas or paper at Imagekind!
Marina's Art On Fine Merchandise at Cafe Press

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