
Monday, February 2, 2009

"THE YELLOW PEAR" by Marina Petro

"The Yellow Pear"
6"x 6" Original Oil on Raymar Canvas Panel
click to bid on eBay here

I enjoy painting these small still life, single fruit, on decorative fabric pieces so much. I've been thinking about painting larger versions of them. I'll keep you posted when I do. I've been preoccupied with many of life's little details and just couldn't think of a 'jazzier' name for the title of this painting. If anyone has any ideas, I'll consider it...

Today's Quote: ""Still lifes are always ready to pose. They don't talk or get tired or need to eat. They possess all the qualities of form and color that are needed to keep a painter occupied for the rest of his life."
-Robert Chunn

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