
Sunday, April 20, 2008

"THE ZONE SERIES" No. 20 by Marina Petro

"The Zone" Series, No. 20
Original mixed media on 24"x 30" canvas, NFS
Prints on canvas or paper and cards are available at Imagekind (link below) or email me for information.

Here is another painting from "The Zone." For those of you who are interested in practicing 'being in the moment', painting intuitively is the perfect modality to practice. It has to do with truly being with yourself and paying attention to the moment to moment impulses that arise from within you and direct the painting. It has absolutely nothing to do with trying to paint a product. This is a process of discovery. It becomes a great adventure when you have nothing in mind and just begin to paint, paying attention to the color that attracts you in each moment, and allowing your brush to express the movement from within. There's really nothing quite like it. I can't wait to give my workshop this Saturday.

Today's Quote: "All true artists, whether they know it or not, create from a place of no-mind, from inner stillness."

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Prints on canvas or paper at Imagekind!
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-Eckhart Tolle

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