
Monday, January 12, 2009

"CAMOUFLAGE" by Marina Petro

-Original Oil Painting on 6x6 inch Gessobord

I'm still experimenting with paints and surfaces. I painted "Camouflage" on Gessobord and I'm working on another small piece on canvas panel I had shipped from my supplier. So far, I prefer the Raymar Canvas Panels. I was able to spend a bit more time in my studio today. Continued to work on a larger painting for about 15 minutes but couldn't overcome my impatience with it so I opted for finishing another small still life and a small painting from "The Zone." It was a productive day. Life was much simpler though, when I was painting in one primary style. Variety may be the spice of life but I am feeling a bit ADD with all my varied interests.

Today's Quotation: "You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club."
-Jack London

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