
Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Guardian, "Still Life Fruit Art" by Marina Petro

©Marina Petro

"The Guardian"
6x6 inches
Original oil painting on canvas
Still Life Series

Only one in the entire universe...and it could be yours!

Details and purchasing information HERE or EMAIL me for other purchasing options and inquiries. 
Certificate Of Authenticity provided with every original painting.

View all my available paintings here

This painting is one of my personal favorites...waiting to be adopted into a good home. I am very happy with how it turned out. The small pear depicted is season again but I haven't found one with a leaf attached. I will keep looking for one though. Leaves add so much more interest. 

Today's Quotation:  "You are a bearer of the Light, for you are as the Divine Mother, bearing within you the Light of the Son.  Take this light out into the world to bless and to heal, and quicken the vibrations of the whole earth."
-White Eagle, from the book, "The Quiet Mind"


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Secret, "Pear Painting,Still Life Art" by Marina Petro

©Marina Petro

The Secret
6x6 inches
Original oil painting on archival Raymar canvas panel
Still Life Series

Only one in the entire universe...and it could be yours!

Details and purchasing information HERE or EMAIL me for other purchasing options and inquiries. 
Certificate Of Authenticity provided with every original painting.

View all my available paintings here

Pears are my favorite fruit to paint. They seem to have personalities in a way that other fruits don't. These two were particularly well behaved posing for their portraits. Doesn't  it look like the little one is whispering a secret to the larger one? 

Did you know that pears are one of the least allergenic fruits? Read more about The Health Benefits of Pears here...

Today's Quotation:  "When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for it is just the place and time that the tide will turn." 
- Harriet Beecher Stowe


Saturday, February 23, 2013

Sacred Mountains, "Landscape Painting" by Marina Petro

©Marina Petro

Sacred Mountains
20 x 24 inches
Original oil painting on canvas
Landscape Series

Only one in the entire universe...and it could be yours!

Details and purchasing information HERE or EMAIL me for other purchasing options and inquiries. 
Certificate Of Authenticity provided with every original painting.

View all my available paintings here

Here is another painting from my imagination. With this one, I began by using burnt umber and applying the paint very quickly and fairly thin. At first, and as usual, I kept my 'mind' out of it and allowed the action of brain to hand to paint to canvas lead me. After a while, I began to 'see' structures that looked like buildings but when I started putting the lighter paint on they became mountains...always an adventure and surprise when I paint in this fashion....try it sometime...

Today's Quotation: "The painter's mind is a copy of the divine mind, since it operates freely in creating the many kinds of animals, plants, fruits, landscapes, countrysides, ruins, and awe-inspiring places."
-Leonardo da Vinci

Friday, February 22, 2013

Approaching Eden, "Landscape Garden Painting" by Marina Petro

©Marina Petro

"Approaching Eden"
8 x 10 inches
Original oil painting on canvas
Landscape Series

Only one in the entire universe...and it could be yours!

Details and purchasing information HERE or EMAIL me for other purchasing options and inquiries. 
Certificate Of Authenticity provided with every original painting.

View all my available paintings here

Here is another creation from my imagination. 
I began the painting with the darkest colors first...putting in a very dark green umber at the bottom of the canvas and just 'playing around' down there for a while. Next, I put in the darkest blue/violets at the top of the painting for the sky. Then, gradually I began to use lighter colors, blending them into each other and working around the entire canvas until that little voice inside says Stop!

Today's Quotation: "The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper."
-Eden Phillpotts


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Fire Storm, "Skyscape Oil Painting" by Marina Petro

©Marina Petro

"Fire Storm"
8" x 10"
Original oil painting on canvas
Celestial Skyscape Series
Only one in the entire universe...and it could be yours!

Details and purchasing information HERE or EMAIL me for other purchasing options and inquiries. 
Certificate Of Authenticity provided with every original painting.

View all my available paintings here

This piece was painted in one prolonged burst of energy with just a few touchups afterward ... mostly getting the paint off myself. Being a 'fire sign' astrologically, painting with hot, fiery colors is extremely exciting when I am in the midst of it. Even if my energy is low, it awakens as I paint...

It is interesting to me that fire represents both the Holy Spirit and Hell...

Fire represents many things to many people and cultures. It is recognized as a purifier, a destroyer and as the generative power of life, energy and change. It represents illumination and enlightenment, destruction and renewal, spirituality and damnation...Read more in this article about Fire Symbolism In Myth And Religion, by Gary R. Varner 

Today's Quotation: "To send light into the darkness of men's hearts - such is the duty of the artist."

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Magical Colors, "Still Life Fruit and Floral Painting" by Marina Petro

©Marina Petro

"Magical Colors"

6 x 6 inches
Original oil painting on canvas panel
Still Life Fruit and Floral Series

View all my available paintings here

This small commissioned piece was a request to re-paint it from a  much larger version of the original oil painting. I can tell you that reducing the size from 20 x 20 inches to 6x6 was quite difficult. Painting it in the smaller version took considerably longer to paint than the original larger piece!
I am very happy with the result...

Today's Quotation: “Pain is a pesky part of being human, I've learned it feels like a stab wound to the heart, something I wish we could all do without, in our lives here. Pain is a sudden hurt that can't be escaped. But then I have also learned that because of pain, I can feel the beauty, tenderness, and freedom of healing. Pain feels like a fast stab wound to the heart. But then healing feels like the wind against your face when you are spreading your wings and flying through the air! We may not have wings growing out of our backs, but healing is the closest thing that will give us that wind against our faces.” 

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Lemons In A Bowl, Colorful "Original Still Life Oil Painting" by Marina Petro

©Marina Petro

Lemons In A Bowl
20" x 20"
Original oil painting on canvas
Still life fruit series

Only one in the entire universe...and it could be yours!

Details and purchasing information HERE or EMAIL me for other purchasing options and inquiries. 
Certificate Of Authenticity provided with every original painting.

View all my available paintings here

Can you imagine this bright and cheerful painting in your dining area or kitchen? 
The combination of turquoise blue and golden yellow in a person's energy field or aura are said to indicate a developed sense of intuition and creativity. 

I loved working with these colors and will most likely use this fabric as a background again...possibly with lemons and oranges just rolling around on it...

Today's Quotation: "The road to enlightenment is long, so bring some snacks and magazines."


Friday, February 15, 2013

Celestial Symphony, "Skyscape, Celestial Painting" by Marina Petro

©Marina Petro

Celestial Symphony
22" x 28"
Original oil painting on canvas
Celestial Skyscape Series

Only one in the entire universe...and it could be yours!

Details and purchasing information HERE or EMAIL me for other purchasing options and inquiries. 
Certificate Of Authenticity provided with every original painting.

View all my available paintings here

I love taking my imaginary journeys out into space...feels like that's where I belong. This is yet another painting that flowed almost effortlessly from brain to hand to canvas. 

Today's Quotation:  "The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you; Don't go back to sleep. You must ask for what you really want; Don't go back to sleep. People are going back and forth across the doorsill where the two worlds touch. The door is round and open. Don't go back to sleep.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Lotus, "Water Lily, Lotus Floral Painting" by Marina Petro

©Marina Petro

8 x 10 inches
Original oil painting on canvas
Floral Series

Only one in the entire universe...and it could be yours!

Details and purchasing information HERE or EMAIL me for other purchasing options and inquiries. 
Certificate Of Authenticity provided with every original painting.

View all my available paintings here

The inspiration for this painting was a photograph I took at the YADDO ARTIST'S RETREAT  in Saratoga Springs, NY where I live. 

Here is an article all about The Lotus Flower....

Today's Quotation: "Like the lotus, you experience three primary stages of evolution. The first is marked by ignorance and darkness, when you lie below the dense mud - a closed chysalis - which, by nature of existence, will eventually be pulled upwards by the warmth of the Sun. The second is exemplified by the climb through the clouded waters of your emotional experience, yet still the flower reaches to the Sun, knowing no other destiny ... no other purpose. The third brings full illumination in the splendour of the light. The Lotus flower blossoms, baring its exquisite beauty to all those who are aware, enough to recognize God unfolding."
-Patricia Cori

Friday, February 8, 2013

Golden Pear, "Still Life Fruit Painting" by Marina Petro

©Marina Petro

Golden Pear
12" x 12"
Original oil painting on 1.5" deep canvas
Still Life Series

Only one in the entire universe...and it could be yours!

Details and purchasing information HERE or EMAIL me for other purchasing options and inquiries. 
Certificate Of Authenticity provided with every original painting.

View all my available paintings here

Another happy moment..... finding a pear with it's leaf still intact...and... willing to sit still for me, without complaining too much... over a couple of days while I painted it. 

Today's Quotation: "Each of us will hear a different voice, one that is unique to us, and we will each be called in a different direction. But once heard, we must find the courage to reunite with that voice and trust where it leads. It is the voice of our truest nature. If we fail to hear its inner call, we will be less than we might have been and we will never truly find peace and a sense of completeness."
-Marilyn Barrett

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Sun Kissed, "Still Life Fruit and Floral Painting" by Marina Petro

©Marina Petro

Sun Kissed
8 x 10 inches on 1.5 inch gallery wrapped canvas
Original oil painting 
Still Life Series

Only one in the entire universe...and it could be yours!

Details and purchasing information HERE or EMAIL me for other purchasing options and inquiries. 
Certificate Of Authenticity provided with every original painting.

View all my available paintings here

When I uploaded the photo of this painting....I just noticed the dark shape to the right of the lemon looks like a crow or raven. Do you see it too?

Today's Quotation: "As a suffering creature, I cannot do without something greater than I - something that is my life - the power to create."
-Vincent Van Gogh


Sunday, February 3, 2013

One Big Apple, "Still Life Fruit Painting" by Marina Petro

©Marina Petro

"One Big Apple"
6 x 8 inches
Original oil painting on archival Raymar canvas panel
Still Life Fruit Series

Only one in the entire universe...and it could be yours!

Details and purchasing information HERE or EMAIL me for other purchasing options and inquiries. 
Certificate Of Authenticity provided with every original painting.

View all my available paintings here

The simple pleasure of finding an apple with a leaf still attached lifts my spirit. It is like finding a small treasure. I was happy to find the fabric Ms. Apple is perched on and will most likely create a large painting using it. I'll have to find just the right models...

Today's Quotation:  "Did perpetual happiness in the Garden Of Eden maybe get so boring that eating the apple was justified?"
-Chuck Palahnuik

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Out Of The Blue, "Sunflower Oil Painting" by Marina Petro

©Marina Petro

"Out Of The Blue"
8 x 10 inches
Original oil painting on canvas
Floral Series

Only one in the entire universe...and it could be yours!

Details and purchasing information HERE or EMAIL me for other purchasing options and inquiries. 
Certificate Of Authenticity provided with every original painting.

View all my available paintings here

Out Of The Blue was painted from a photograph I took in a garden on my way into Saratoga Springs.

In Chinese symbolism, the sunflower represents long life, good luck and is considered very auspicious. It's yellow color signifies vitality and intelligence. It's a symbol of happiness as well. It's always been a symbolism of happiness for me and always lifts my spirit when I see one.

In esoteric Christianity, the sunflower is a symbol of God's love. The sunflower as a symbol can also represent the unwavering faith that guides the soul to the highest spiritual attunement.

Today's Quotation: "Turn your face to the sun and the shadows follow behind you."
Maori Proverb