
Saturday, June 30, 2012

"Fruit And Floral Painting" Love Of Orange by Marina Petro

Love Of Orange
20" x 20"
Original oil painting on canvas
Still Life Series
Only one in the entire universe...and it could be yours!

Details and purchasing information HERE or EMAIL me for other purchasing options and inquiries. 
Certificate Of Authenticity provided with every original painting.

Here is my latest large still life painting. It is currently showing off at Frankie Flores Gallery in Saratoga Springs and getting a lot of attention from what I've been told. I am in love with the fabric pattern in the background and will probably paint more of these larger pieces from different views on it. 

This was the last painting I completed prior to cataract surgery that I just had on my left eye last week. What a shock when I saw this painting afterward. The colors were so much brighter and there was detail that I hadn't noticed before. Wondering what it will be like when the right eye is taken care of in September.

Today's Quotation:  We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done."
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Fantasy Garden, Landscape Painting by Marina Petro

Fantasy Garden
6" x 12"
Original oil painting on 1/4" canvas board

Floral Art Series
Only one in the entire universe...and it could be yours!

Details and purchasing information HERE or EMAIL me for other purchasing options and inquiries. 
Certificate Of Authenticity provided with every original painting.

Another painting created intuitively from my imagination. I doubt whether I will ever settle into one style of painting. In fact, I've been a bit flooded with new ideas that I haven't tried before leaning toward abstract. It might be a while until I get to them though, as I've been focusing on painting larger still life pieces at the moment. I've sold four of them out of Frankie Flores Gallery in Saratoga and want to replenish them. 

Speaking of Frankie Flores Gallery, we are having a "Meet The Artist" evening tomorrow, Friday, June 29 at the gallery from 4pm to 7pm. If you're in town, stop in! Here's the link to Frankie's newsletter, "The Palette" with other activities listed for our beautiful city.

Today's Quotation: "Most of us go to our grave with our music still inside of us..."

Friday, June 22, 2012

Sunflower Glow, "Sunflower, Floral Painting" by Marina Petro

Sunflower Glow
11" x 14"
Original oil painting on canvas
Floral Art Series
Only one in the entire universe...and it could be yours! 

Details and purchasing information HERE or EMAIL me for other purchasing options and inquiries. 
Certificate Of Authenticity provided with every original painting.

You've got to see this painting 'in person."  The light coming through the petals from behind really make it appear as if it is glowing. These are the surprises in painting. I never quite know what the final piece is going to look like. At the moment "Sunflower Glow" is showing off in a gold plein air frame at Frankie Flores Gallery, 492 Broadway, Saratoga Springs, NY. 

Today's Quotation: "Fresh activity is the only means of overcoming adversity." 
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Sitting Pretty, "Still Life Pear and Floral Painting" by Marina Petro

Sitting Pretty
8" x 8"
Original oil painting on canvas
Still Life Fruit Series
Only one in the entire universe...and it could be yours!

Details and purchasing information  HERE or EMAIL me for other purchasing options and inquiries. 
Certificate Of Authenticity provided with every original painting.

 I really enjoyed working with the red-oranges on turquoise in this painting. The background was inspired by a piece of decorative paper I found. 

Today's Quotation: "Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace."
-Buddha "Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace."

Friday, June 15, 2012

Black Thunder, "Black Horse Painting" Equine Art by Marina Petro

Black Thunder
16" x 20"
Original oil painting on canvas
Equine Art  Series
Only one in the entire universe...and it could be yours! 

Details and purchasing information HERE or EMAIL me for other purchasing options and inquiries. 
Certificate Of Authenticity provided with every original painting.

I recently learned that I am the Black Water Horse in Chinese Astrology. I am presently looking for a totally jet black horse with a good thick long mane that I can take pictures of for paintings.. I saw one last year pulling a cart of sorts along Broadway in Saratoga Springs. It was the most beautiful horse I think I've ever seen....the blackest black you can imagine with not a trace of any markings. Even if I could have gotten close up it wouldn't have done much good as I didn't have my camera. Hoping to see him again this summer. 

Today's Quotation: "A horse is the projection of peoples' dreams about themselves - strong, powerful, beautiful - and it has the capability of giving us escape from our mundane existence."
-Pam Brown

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Guardian Angel, "Angel Art" by Marina Petro

The Guardian - Art Print
11" x 17"
Angel Art Series

Details and purchasing information  HERE or EMAIL me for other purchasing options and inquiries. 

I had no intention of painting an angel when I began this painting. I started painting with the canvas in a horizontal position. I'd intended to paint a garden scene which wasn't working at all. No matter what i tried to alter or improve on it didn't work. When I became frustrated enough, I turned the painting around to a vertical position and began to paint again....and....almost magically, the form of this angel appeared. The original piece has been adopted into a good home quite a few years ago. 

Today's Quotation: "For he shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways. On their hands they will bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone."
-Psalm 91:10-1 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Dancing Angels, "Angel Art" by Marina Petro

Dancing Angels
11" x 14"
Angel Art Print

Details and purchasing information  HERE or EMAIL me for other purchasing options and inquiries. 

The original Dancing Angels was painted several years ago and sold almost immediately. I experimented with printing it on my trusty Epson printer and it printed beautifully....ready to mat and frame.

This painting was created intuitively from my imagination. It just flowed beautifully without effort....wish they were all so easy....but then I might not learn much. Seems like the challenges develop my painting skill to a greater degree.

Below is a picture of me at Frankie Flores Gallery Opening Reception last Friday night. It was a wonderful party with a steady stream of art lovers attending. I was holding a bottle of wine in my right hand with a bit of a naughty label which I cropped out. Don't want to offend anyone, but it was fun...Would anyone like to turn on their intuitive powers and take a guess at what was on the label?  I need a good laugh today so don't be shy....
Today's Quotation: "Come to the edge." "We can't. We're afraid." "Come to the edge." "We can't. We will fall!" "Come to the edge." And they came. And he pushed them. And they flew. 
-Guillaume Apollinaire

Sunday, June 10, 2012

My First, "Still Life Fruit Painting" by Marina Petro

I've posted this bit of nostalgia before but felt like I wanted to share it again.
I wonder whether I would have discovered oil painting or painting at all if my mother hadn't followed her intuition...

My First Oil Painting
12" x 16"
Still life oil painting on canvas board, by Marina Petro

Only one in the entire universe, but you can't have it...

Once upon a time, when I was 14 years old, my mother bought me one of those large paperback step-by-step oil painting books and a set of basic oil paints. She must have been  following her intuition because I don't recall expressing an interest in oil painting. Up to that point, I was fooling around with charcoal portraits. Boy do I wish I had those to show you now. I think I threw them out or lost them in one of my many moves...gypsy that I was.  They were excellent if I must say so myself. 

This still life is my first attempt at oil painting. When it was completed, I placed it, still wet, on a chair and my father promptly sat on it. I left the painting as is but his slacks went into the trash. 

I've had it stashed in my storage room upstairs. I am probably not going to give it a title, but if one pops into your mind, I'd like to know....I might change my mind. I plan to give it to my 18 year old granddaughter as a symbol of persistence in developing innate I continue to persist in developing my innate talents...

I am recalling the years when my 3 daughters were little....We lived in a small apartment in Flushing, NY. I would set up my canvas and paints on the kitchen table between meals and paint when I could.  There was no other place available and nowhere I could leave my equipment set up. Anyway, I thought I'd share a bit of my history and nostalgia with you today....

Today's Quotation: "Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."
 -Calvin Coolidge

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Cherry Surprise, "Still Life Floral and Fruit Painting" by Marina Petro

Cherry Surprise
20" x 20"
Original oil painting on canvas
Still Life Fruit and Floral Series

Only one in the entire universe...and it could be yours!

Details and purchasing information HERE or EMAIL me for other purchasing options and inquiries. 
Certificate Of Authenticity provided with every original painting.

Can you envision this painting cheering up your spirit and dining area?

Painting these large still life pieces is always a refreshing, and for the most part, relaxing  experience for me. There's a certain sense of anchoring and security that comes with knowing what I am intending to paint in these realistic pieces, in contrast to the spontaneous, moment to moment,  intuitively painted pieces when I have no idea what is coming next. With the intuitive works, the result is always a surprise. Lately, I've had so many surprises in 'real' life and am grateful for the relief in knowing what the end result will most likely be…..

The annual Saratoga Arts Fest is taking place this weekend. I have paintings displayed at the Mimosa Gallery and Frankie Flores Gallery. I will be attending both openings…starting out at Mimosa around 5 pm and then skipping right across the street to Frankie Flores opening from 6-9 p.m. Hope to see some of your beautiful faces there!

Today's Quotation: "Light gives of itself freely, filling all available space.  It does not seek anything in return; it asks not whether you are friend or foe.  It gives of itself and is not thereby diminished. " ~Michael Strassfeld