
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Evidence Of Angels, "Angel Painting" by Marina Petro

Evidence Of Angels
20" x 24"
 Original oil painting on canvas
Angel art series
Only one in the entire universe...and it could be yours!

Details and purchasing information HERE or EMAIL me for other purchasing options and inquiries. Installment payments are available

Certificate Of Authenticity provided with every original painting.

I am happy to announce that " Evidence Of Angels" has been selected to grace the cover of the book "The Pursuit Of God," recently published by The Bottom Of The Hill Publishing Co. The original painting is waiting to be adopted into a good home.

I began this painting as I usually do with my spontaneous, intuitive creations....following each impression of color and movement as I continue to develop the painting. I felt it was finished at one point, prior to the angels being painted in. I kept looking at it with a certain amount of growing discomfort, feeling it needed something else, but I didn't know what. Then, once again, following my instinct, I picked up my brush, dipped it in the light color, kind of held my breath, and began to paint...and the angels appeared....This is one of the last angel paintings I have left.....wonder if another is going to be born soon....they seem to have a mind of their own....

Today's Quotation:
"Beauty...sometimes takes the form of a white cloud, and goes dancing over the green fields or the deep blue sea, where her misty form, marked out in a momentary darkness, looks like the passing shadow of an angel's wing."
-G.A.Sala, "Beauty of the Universe"

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Approaching Mars, "Skyscape Painting" by Marina Petro

Approaching Mars
24" x 36"
Original oil painting on canvas
Celestial Skyscape Series

Only one in the entire universe...and it could be yours!

Details and purchasing information HERE or EMAIL me for other purchasing options and inquiries. 
Certificate Of Authenticity provided with every original painting.

Here is another celestial painting that was completed a while back and didn't post here. I can barely see the planet Mars because the red sphere isn't showing up in this photo too well. It is not a bright red but brighter than what is depicted here. This painting just flowed from my was a great pleasure to paint and very freeing. 

Today's Quotation: "For he shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways. On their hands they will bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone."
"Psalm 91:10-1

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Genesis, "Abstract Skyscape Painting" by Marina Petro

24" x 26"
Original abstract oil painting on canvas
Skyscape Series

Only one in the entire universe...and it could be yours!

Details and purchasing information HERE or EMAIL me for other purchasing options and inquiries. 
Certificate Of Authenticity provided with every original painting.

Genesis is yet another large painting I painted quite some time ago and haven't posted here. As with most of my spontaneously painted works, I began staring at the pure white canvas and then dipped my brush into the first color that attracted me and began painting moment to moment. When the painting was finished, I stood back contemplating a title. It reminded me of 'The Creation' and I decided to call it "Genesis." What I also 'saw' toward the middle of the painting is an image of a dove, which I associated with the "Holy Spirit." This photograph cannot capture the subtle changes in colors.

Today's Quotation:  "All God's angels come to us disguised."
-- James Russell Lowell


Saturday, May 19, 2012

Stripes, "Still Life Oil Painting" by Marina Petro

22" x 28"
Original oil painting on canvas
Still Life Series
Only one in the entire universe...and it could be yours!

Details and purchasing information HERE or EMAIL me for other purchasing options and inquiries. 
Certificate Of Authenticity provided with every original painting.

Only one in the entire universe....and it could be yours!

This is an older painting that is very shy and has been hiding around here from public view.  It was quite a challenge painting the stripes...whew! Very difficult to keep my place. 

 Today's Quotation: "As a suffering creature, I cannot do without something greater than I--something that is my life--the power to create." 
-Vincent van Gogh

Monday, May 14, 2012

Three Plums, "Still Life Oil Painting" Kitchen Art by Marina Petro

Three Plums
6" x 6"
Original oil painting on archival Raymar canvas panel
Still Life Fruit Series

Only one in the entire universe...and it could be yours!

Details and purchasing information HERE or EMAIL me for other purchasing options and inquiries. 
Certificate Of Authenticity provided with every original painting.

Here is the third and last of the little paintings I discovered tucked away and not posted. It is another attempt to paint 'fast and loose.' Perhaps I should live my life faster and looser too? Well, maybe not the faster, come to think about it. I'm speedy enough. 'Looser' might be more interesting. At the moment, I have a non-loose large still life painting on the easel crying to be finished. I've been distracted with getting paintings and prints prepared for Frankie Flores Gallery, spring clean up and taking care of little details around the house to keep it up to snuff while it is on the market for sale...
.....and the huge project of re-doing the 'Available Paintings' section at my website. 

Today's Quotation: "Most people never run far enough on their first wind to find out they've got a second. Give your dreams all you've got and you'll be amazed at the energy that comes out of you."
-William James

Friday, May 11, 2012

Apple and Plum, "Still Life Fruit Painting" Kitchen Art by Marina Petro

Apple and Plum
6" x 8"
Original oil painting on archival Raymar canvas panel
Still Life Fruit Series
Only one in the entire universe...and it could be yours! 

Details and purchasing information HERE or EMAIL me for other purchasing options and inquiries. 
Certificate Of Authenticity provided with every original painting.

"Apple and Plum" is the second painting of the three I recently discovered that weren't posted here. The more I look at it the more I like it. Funny how perceptions change as time passes. It was an experiment in painting 'looser' than I had tried with my small still life pieces. The larger apple in the foreground also lends itself to a more interesting least I think so...

Today's Quotation: "No inspiration comes from nowhere. No invention is based on nothing. You always need to be tuned up and be ready to start receiving the energy you look for." 
-Nikolay Semyonov

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Peach, Pear And Cherries, "Still Life Fruit Painting" by Marina Petro

Peach, Pear and Cherries
6" x 6"
Original oil painting on archival Raymar canvas panel
Still Life Fruit Series
Only one in the entire universe...and it could be yours! 

Details and purchasing information HERE or EMAIL me for other purchasing options and inquiries. 
Certificate Of Authenticity provided with every original painting.

Peach, Pear and Cherries is one of three small paintings I discovered yesterday that I don't think were ever posted here. I was tempted to redo the background on this piece, but decided to leave it least for now. Often, when I am not particularly pleased with a painting, it is the first to sell. It's all in the eye and perception of the beholder....I do think I especially captured the texture of the peach and cherries.

Today's Quotation:  "Perhaps the most important thing we bring to another person is the silence in us, not the sort of silence that is filled with unspoken criticism or hard withdrawal. The sort of silence that is a place of refuge, of rest, of acceptance of someone as they are.  We are all hungry for this other silence.  It is hard to find.  In its presence we can remember something beyond the moment, a strength on which to build a life.  Silence is a place of great power and healing."
--Rachel Naomi Remen 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Expecting, "Still Life Pear Painting" by Marina Petro

6" x 6"
Original oil painting on canvas
Still Life Fruit Series
Only one in the entire universe...and it could be yours!

Details and purchasing information  HERE or EMAIL me for other purchasing options and inquiries. 
Certificate Of Authenticity provided with every original painting.

Now wouldn't this painting make a great little surprise gift for that special person in your life who is "expecting?" I had to laugh when I picked this pear up from the bin at the market. I immediately envisioned it as an expectant mother. It's fate on my canvas was sealed.

"Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die."
-Felice Dunas


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Orange, Lily And Hibiscus, "Fruit And Floral Painting by Marina Petro

Orange, Lily & Hibiscus
20" x 20"
Original oil painting on canvas
Fruit & Floral Series

Here's my happy little story about this painting. After deciding to accept an invitation from Frankie Flores Gallery to exhibit my work in an ongoing association with the gallery I brought my paintings there last Saturday. I'd just finished this one and wanted to show it off. Frankie hung the paintings that night. The following day, I received a call from him informing me that it was sold. Here's a picture of my display with the blank space where the painting had been.
At the moment, I have original paintings, and an assortment of prints there. Later this week I will add additional small paintings and greeting cards to my display. Be sure to stop in if you're in town or planning to visit beautiful Saratoga Springs. 
There's going to be an opening on Friday, June 8 during the Saratoga Arts Fest. I'll keep you posted with details as we get closer....
Today's Quotation: The power of intuitive understanding will protect you from harm until the end of your days.
-Lao Tzu