
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Moonlight Blues, "Full Moon Painting" by Marina Petro

Moonlight Blues
6" x 8"
Original oil painting on canvas
Skyscape Art Series

Full Moons are traditionally associated with temporal insomnia, insanity (hence the terms lunacy and lunatic) and various "magical phenomena" such as lycanthropy. Psychologists, however, have found that there is no strong evidence for effects on human behavior around the time of a full moon.[5] They find that studies are generally not consistent, with some showing a positive effect and others showing a negative effect. In one instance, the 23 December 2000 issue of the British Medical Journal published two studies on dog bite admission to hospitals in England and Australia. The study of the Bradford Royal Infirmary found that dog bites were twice as common during a full moon, whereas the study conducted by the public hospitals in Australia found that they were less likely.

In Mythology:
In mythology, a lunar deity is a god or goddess associated with or symbolizing the moon. These deities can have a variety of functions and traditions depending upon the culture, but they are often related to or an enemy of the solar deity. Even though they may be related, they are distinct from the solar deity. Lunar deities can be either male or female, and are usually held to be of the opposite sex of the corresponding solar deity. Male lunar deities are somewhat more common worldwide[citation needed], although female deities are better known in modern times due to the influence of classical Greek and Roman mythology, which held the moon to be female.

Today's Quotation:  Gautam Buddha was born on a full-moon night. He became enlightened on a full-moon night. He died on a full-moon night. This cannot be just coincidence. His type has something to do with a synchronicity with the full-moon night.

Buddha has said, “When I disappeared, I saw stars within me, sun rising, sunset, full-moon nights — everything within me, not without me. It was my boundary that had been keeping them out. Now the boundary is no more; everything has fallen in. Now I am the whole.”


Friday, March 30, 2012

Lunar Eclipse, "Moon Painting" by Marina Petro

"Lunar Eclipse"
6" x 6"
Original oil painting on canvas panel
Skyscape Series

This is an older painting I thought I'd share with you today. I was remembering the magical feeling I had while painting this piece.

If you read Molly's story in my last post, what I didn't mention is that I made a commitment to myself that I wouldn't begin a new painting until Molly was finished. It would have been too easy to divert my attention and that would have been a sure disaster with old Molly probably still whinnying as she sat on my easel crying for attention.  As a result, it set me back several months as far as new work.

Now for the eclipse.....A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes behind the Earth so that the Earth blocks the Sun's rays from striking the Moon. This can occur only when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are aligned exactly, or very closely so, with the Earth in the middle. Hence, a lunar eclipse can only occur the night of a full moon.

Several cultures have myths related to lunar eclipses. The Egyptians saw the eclipse as a sow swallowing the moon for a short time; other cultures view the eclipse as the moon being swallowed by other animals, such as a jaguar in Mayan tradition, or a three legged toad in China. Some societies thought it was a demon swallowing the moon, and that they could chase it away by throwing stones and curses at it  I think I'll try throwing stones and cursing at the next lunar eclipse. If nothing else, it should dissolve some frustrations.....

Today's Quotation:       “Tell me what you feel in your room when the full moon is shining in upon you and your lamp is dying out, and I will tell you how old you are, and I shall know if you are happy”
-Henri Frederic Amiel

Monday, March 26, 2012

Molly, Horse Painting, "Equine Oil Painting" by Marina Petro

20" x 20" Oil on canvas
Good golly Miss Molly! I had quite a ride completing this portrait. It was commissioned by a collector who purchased quite a few of my angel paintings and intuitively created pieces over the years. I've repainted Molly countless times until I was able to complete the painting as depicted here.

Molly's owner wanted me to paint the piece intuitively as I usually do. Well, Molly had a totally different take on the process. When I began the painting, I kept 'hearing' Molly say...."I want to see the sunset" over and over....and I was getting impressions of a VERY intense sunset. Now mind you, this is what the horse wanted, but the painting was not going to hang in her stall.

I completed the painting (I thought) in December and emailed a picture of it to Molly's mommy. Mommy thought the sunset was too intense and wanted me to soften it. So now, what do I do? My resistance had cemented itself firmly and it was extremely difficult for me to even walk into my studio to work on the painting.

Molly wants intensity and Mommy wants softness. Painting light over dark with oils is a difficult task...hard to restore the luminosity I wanted. So, I painted over the background around the horse with a quick drying white paint and began to work on the background from scratch ... again....and again...and again.... Whenever I tried to work in softer colors, I automatically, messed up with spontaneously applying deeper colors. It was like nothing I'd ever experienced before. To make a very long story short......I ended up painting it over a zillion times until I finally felt the painting was satisfactory. I emailed the completed pic to Molly's mommy and yes, I held my breath because I was about to give up on the whole thing it if she didn't like it.  My friends and family were at the point of disowning me....

Great relief when her feedback came back that "I captured Molly's soul" and she loved the painting. She said that she could actually "feel" Molly in the picture. So that's the story....and I am happy again!
.....and glad I didn't follow the advice in the quotation below....

Today's Quotation: "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. No use being a damn fool about it." 
-W. C. Fields

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Cosmic Journey, "Skyscape Painting" Night Sky by Marina Petro

Cosmic Journey
12" x 24"
Original oil painting on canvas
Celestial Skyscape Art Series

Only one in the entire universe...and it could be yours!

Details and purchasing information HERE or EMAIL me for other purchasing options and inquiries. 
Certificate Of Authenticity provided with every original painting.

Yes, I've been quite the space cadet of late. Here's another creation from my ever journeying imagination.

I've decided to make some of my sold paintings available as fine art prints at my Etsy Shop. I will be posting a few at a time here and there....see below. These images are also available in larger and smaller sizes, cards and prints at the Fine Art America link at the bottom.

Today's Quotation: "The power of intuitive understanding will protect you from harm until the end of your days.

-Lao Tzu

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Celestial Symphony

Celestial Symphony
22" x 28"
Original oil painting on canvas
Celestial, Skyscape Series
Only one in the entire universe...and it could be yours!

Details and purchasing information  HERE or EMAIL me for other purchasing options and inquiries. 
Certificate Of Authenticity provided with every original painting.

It's always such an adventure and surprise to see the finished painting when I create these celestial pieces. Besides the freedom of movement from brush to paint to canvas, it is the freedom of spirit that I enjoy with not having a specific image or intention in mind....just journeying and exploring the hidden recesses of my creativity and subconscious, and stopping when I feel the painting has 'come together' with a sense of harmony. What I find inspirational in these pieces is the light coming forth from the darkness. I consider this piece 'Healing Art' .....light illuminating the darkness...and my personal quest to perceive the presence of light in the darkest of times....for myself and in my intuitive work with clients....

Today's Quotation: "Truly, it is in the darkness that one finds the light, so when we are in sorrow, then this light is nearest of all to us." 
-Meister Johann Eckhart

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Distant Light, "Skyscape Celestial Oil Painting" 16x20 by Marina Petro

Distant Light
16" x 20"
Original oil painting on canvas
Celestial Skyscape Series

Only one in the entire universe...and it could be yours!

Details and purchasing information  HERE or EMAIL me for other purchasing options and inquiries. 
Certificate Of Authenticity provided with every original painting.

Hope you enjoy this free flowing celestial piece that flowed effortlessly from my brush to canvas.

Today's Quotation: "Wherever you stand, be the soul of that place."

Saturday, March 3, 2012


16" x 20"
Original oil painting on canvas
Celestial Skyscape Series

Only one in the entire universe...and it could be yours!
A Certificate Of Authenticity is provided with every original painting.

Details and purchasing information HERE or EMAIL me for other purchasing options and inquiries.

Traveling out and about the celestial bodies again. Another very freeing intuitive painting executed in the usual spontaneous way I paint them. Here is a link at Wikipedia relating to eclipses.
Today's Quotation: "When the solution is simple, God is answering,"
-Albert Einstein

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Cosmic Light, "Skyscape, Celestial Painting" by Marina Petro

Cosmic Light
6" x 6"
Original oil painting on canvas
Celestial Skyscape Series

Only one in the entire universe...and it could be yours!

Details and purchasing information  HERE  or EMAIL me for other purchasing options and inquiries. 
Certificate Of Authenticity provided with every original painting.
Here is another painting born from my ever active imagination. It was painted in the same way I paint most of my celestial pieces which is....just dipping my brush in the color that attracts me at the moment and beginning to paint color at a time until the painting feels complete. Occasionally a skyscape will become a garden or angel painting or whatever my spirit moves brush to canvas....

If you are an outer space lover as I am, here is a wonderful website where you can journey to the outer limits....Space.Com

Today's Quotation: "This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness."
-Dalai Lama