
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Red Rose-Floral Flower Still Life Oil Painting by Marina Petro

"Red Rose"
Original oil painting on stretched canvas
Purchase securely at my ETSY SHOP or EMAIL me for other purchasing options.

I think there's nothing more elegant or that expresses love more than one single red rose. This rose will stay as beautiful as it is today and enjoyed for many years to come. 

The rose has always been valued for its beauty and fragrance. It symbolizes love. The rose was sacred to a number of goddesses. The ancient Greeks and Romans identified the rose with their goddesses of love, Aphrodite and Venus.

Today's Quotation: "The heart is a museum, filled with the exhibits of a lifetime's loves." ~Diane Ackerman

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Monday, June 28, 2010

Andrea's Lillies-Water Lily Lotus Flowers Art Print by Marina Petro

Andrea's Lillies
Original Sold
Fine art prints on canvas, paper and greeting cards are available at Fine Art America


I've added Andrea's Lillies to my collection of paintings available as prints and greeting cards at Fine Art America. 

This painting was inspired by a photograph my daughter, Andrea, took at the beautiful Yaddo Artist Retreat in Saratoga Springs, NY.   I live in Saratoga Springs and will be going there with my camera soon. The original painting was recently purchased by a hospital in Saratoga Springs for their permanent collection. It will be displayed in the Orthopedic Surgery floor with three of my other paintings. I am happy that recovering patients and their families will have access to it. The space they will be displayed in is under construction and I'll take pics of all my babies when they are on the wall and provide more details.

This is one of my works that I consider 'Healing Art"... why? do you feel when you view it? The colors I used are the primary colors considered 'healing colors.' Green is the primary healing color, white denotes spirituality and higher consciousness, and the pink/rose is the color of love.

Today's Quotation:  "When you paint, you forget everything except your object. When you are too much engrossed in it, you are lost in it; and when you are lost in it, your ego diminishes and love infinite appears. And when love is created, God is attained." ~Meher Baba

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Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Guardian-Still Life Oil Painting Fruit by Marina Petro

"The Guardian"
Original oil painting on archival Raymar canvas panel
Purchase securely at my ETSY SHOP or EMAIL me for other purchasing options or inquiries.

I was shuffling my fruit 'models' around on the kitchen counter trying to decide on the composition for the next painting. When I saw this little pear appearing to look up to the larger 'guardian' apple, there was no question about what I was going to paint. I took a photo of the smaller pear to paint it all by itself at a later time...

With reference to today's quotation below...Think about this...When one is in the act of creating, and fully engaged, whether it be art, music, whatever... they are accessing one of the most powerful forces a human being can experience. It is the same energy that 'The Creator' created this universe...that's why they call it creativity...and that's also why I love teaching my Painting From "The Zone" introduce this profound experience to others who might not have encountered it before. Painting is my saving grace. I cannot imagine my life without it...

Today's Quotation:  "As a suffering creature, I cannot do without something greater than I--something that is my life--the power to create." 
~Vincent van Gogh


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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Tidal Moon-Seascape Full Moon Oil Painting by Marina Petro

Tidal Moon
Original seascape oil painting on stretched canvas 
Purchase securely at my ETSY SHOP or EMAIL me for other purchasing options or inquiries.

This mystical seascape with the full moon appearing like a sentinel, was painted from my imagination. As most of my intuitive/spontaneous works go, I didn't have a subject matter in mind when I began painting. I put paints out I felt attracted to that day and began to paint from my spirit. At a certain point, I wasn't sure whether this piece would be a celestial scene or a seascape. The more I painted, the more it began looking like a seascape and I went from there. I am happy with the final outcome. Hope you enjoy viewing it too.

Today's Quotation: "You can become blind by seeing each day as a similar one. Each day is a different one, each day brings a miracle of its own. It's just a matter of paying attention to this miracle." 
~Paulo Coelho 

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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Magical Angel-Oil Painting Of A Black Tribal Angel by Marina Petro

"Magical Angel"
Original oil painting on stretched canvas
Purchase securely at my ETSY SHOP or EMAIL me for other purchasing options or inquiries.

The only one of it's kind in the entire universe...imagine that!

This angel was created intuitively from my imagination. I wasn't sure what I was going to paint. I began painting the black oval shape which is now the angel's face and the painting went from there, developing into the figure with I had this painting with a black oval just sitting there for quite some time without a defined face. One day, feeling brave enough and determined to finish it, I took a deep breath, cleared my mind as best as I could and let my intuition just take over, one stroke at a time. What I enjoyed most was creating and painting her jewelry as I went along, moment to moment. I am happy with the result. 

Today's Quotation:  "Colour is my day-long obsession, my joy and my torment." 
-Claude Monet 

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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Joy's Sunflower-Art Print by Marina Petro at Fine Art America

"Joy's Sunflower"

I've just added this favorite piece to my collection at Fine Art America...where you can purchase prints of this original oil painting on canvas and paper in a variety of sizes as well as greeting cards individually or in quantity at VERY reasonable prices.

The inspiration for Joy's Sunflower was a sunflower that my daughter, Joy, grew in her garden last year. It was huge! Can't wait for this year's crop.  The original painting has been sold to a very happy collector.

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End Of The Rainbow-Still Life Oil Painting of a Pear-Kitchen Art by Marina Petro

"End Of The Rainbow"
5x7 inches
Original oil painting on archival Raymar canvas panel
Purchase securely at my ETSY SHOP or EMAIL me for other purchasing options and inquiries.
This is the 'pear of gold' at the end of the rainbow. Corny, huh...oh well. I bought this pear when I spotted it's long stem and unusual shape - perfect for a painting. The background is a fabric in my ever growing collection of decorative fabrics. 

Today's Quotation:  "Humankind, despite its artistic pretensions, its sophistication, and its many accomplishments, owes its existence to a six-inch layer of topsoil and the fact that it rains."

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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Pear Family-Still Life Realism Fruit Oil Painting of Three Pears 8x8 by Marina Petro

"Pear Family"
Original oil painting on gallery wrapped stretched canvas.
Does not need a frame.
Only one of these in the entire universe...
Purchase securely at my ETSY SHOP or EMAIL me for other purchasing options or inquiries.

 I was very happy to have found the baby pear with it's leaf still attached...a rare find in our local grocery store. Pears are one of my favorite fruits to paint. They seem to have personalities. Here is another painting whose title I struggled with.  Do you realize how difficult it is at times to come up with a good title? I don't think this one has a great title, but it does express what I see in the painting. A great title would have been 'Family Portrait' but I used that for another painting of pears. 

In any case, if you would like to suggest what you would have called it, email me and let me know. I may use your suggestion in my next pear family....which I am certain there will be one...if I'm still on the'm not planning to leave but one is never quite sure...

Today's Quotation:  "It's easy to get bogged down in the circumstantial and mundane, but if we connect to our passion, that in itself will be regenerative; we won't have to wait for the energy, it will be there." ~Nina Simons

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Birth Of A Butterfly~Abstract Acrylic Butterfly Celestial Painting by Marina Petro

Birth Of A Butterfly
Original abstract painting on canvas.
Purchase securely at my ETSY SHOP or EMAIL me for other purchasing options or inquiries.

The most difficult aspect of this painting was coming up with a title which I did about 5 minutes ago when I listed it at my Etsy Shop. I was going to call it Abstract 1, and at the last minute, Birth Of A Butterfly popped into my currently overtaxed mind...If anyone would like to suggest another title, I'd truly love to know what you come up with. 

This is a smaller version of my larger Paintings From "The Zone Series" which you can entertain yourself and view in this YOUTUBE VIDEO. It was fairly difficult to paint this piece. I am not used to working with acrylic paint and especially in a small format 'Zone" painting. It felt a bit confining.

Today's Quotation:  “The successful person makes a habit of doing what the failing person doesn’t like to do.”
– Thomas Edison
Artist~Marina Petro, Saratoga Springs, NY USA

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Monday, June 14, 2010

Dreaming Sedona-Celestial Skyscape Mountains Art Print by Marina Petro

Artist~Marina Petro, Saratoga Springs, NY USA

"Dreaming Sedona"
Archival art print available on canvas, paper and greeting cards at FINE ART AMERICA

This dramatic visionary painting depicts the magnificent red rock formations of Sedona, Arizona rising up into a celestial night sky. This piece was commissioned by a collector a couple of years ago, who wanted my unique interpretation of Sedona, Arizona,  after she visited there. The original painting was 24 x 72 inches. Commissions are a difficult call for me. There's a lot of pressure involved, especially when someone wants you to paint something from your imagination. She was very happy with the completed painting, as was I.

Today's Quotation:  "Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. "
~Albert Einstein

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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Andrea's Lillies-Water Lily,Lotus Flowers Print by Marina Petro

'Andrea's Lillies'

I just added "Andrea's Lillies" to my collection of paintings at Fine Art America. It is now available as a print on canvas or paper in a variety of sizes at very reasonable cost. Greeting cards are also available.

I painted this piece from a reference photo my daughter, Andrea, took at the Yaddo Artist's Retreat in Saratoga Springs, NY. It has been purchased by a hospital for their permanent collection. I am delighted that recovering surgical patients and their stressed out loved ones will be viewing it. More specific information on this to come when it is announced locally.

Today's Quotation: " I want to bring my viewers to the harmony trail. When the viewer comes to see, they feel harmony." 
~Ming Leung

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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Serenity Garden-Landscape Floral Garden Oil Painting by Marina Petro

Artist~Marina Petro, Saratoga Springs, NY USA

"Serenity Garden"
Original oil painting on stretched canvas
Purchase securely at my ETSY SHOP or EMAIL me for other purchasing options or inquiries.

I've painted this garden with light theme many times. I never get tired of it and it does get a bit compulsive at times. If I haven't created one in a while, I usually feel compelled to do another one. Each one is different in it's own way, but the theme is the same. I especially love the sky and colors at upper right of this piece.

Today's Quotation: "Most inner-oriented artists share a common characteristic, a certain quality of obsession." ~Kenneth Coutts-Smith

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Friday, June 11, 2010

Angel's Flight~Abstract Celestial Skyscape by Marina Petro

"Angel's Flight"
6x8 inches
Original oil painting by Marina Petro
Purchase securely at my ETSY SHOP or EMAIL me for other purchasing options.
Sold framed or unframed
I also have a 3" wide plein air frame for this painting.

Another painting I think would look great on a larger scale but will have to wait. I am happy with this one. Like many of these celestial works,  my brush went from paint to canvas automatically, with no struggle. However, it is in the struggle with the more realistic works I create that I learn the most from and hone my skills...always something new to discover...keeps life interesting...

I'm diligently working on a larger floral painting at the moment and refuse to allow myself to be distracted by working on anything else until it's finished. I began it thinking it would be an 'easy' paint, but turns out that it is taking more concentrated effort than I anticipated.  Groan...if there were only 3 of me to accomplish all that I'd like to.The difficult part is that I am constantly receiving images/ideas for new paintings and realistically, could never paint them all...

Today's Quotation:  "The moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforseen incidents and meetings and material assistance which no man could have dreamed would have come his way." 
~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Thursday, June 10, 2010

AUTUMN MIST~Autumn Fall Landscape Oil Painting Forest Trees Mist by Marina Petro

"Autumn Mist"
20x24 inches
Original oil painting on stretched canvas by Marina Petro

Purchase securely at my ETSY SHOP or EMAIL me for other purchasing options of inquiries.

I painted this piece from a photograph and memory of landscapes such as this as I was driving around the autumn countryside. Observers have commented that this painting is 'haunting' and 'mysterious.' It certainly does convey the atmosphere of late autumn. The trees in the misty background were painted darker first, allowed to dry, and then glazed over lightly and carefully with white paint.  There have been times when I've used white paint to paint into parts of a painting (usually a landscape) that just wasn't working. What I discovered was that it would create a mysterious mist that added to the beauty of the painting.

Thought I'd post this piece today. I've begun watching the series "True Blood" on know the one...about vampires and shape shifters. This scene looked like the perfect roaming ground for vampires. I think I might trade in my human sweetheart, who is retired, and spends a lot of time at home during the day for a new vampire boyfriend. They sleep all day...and he'd understand why I need to check out by 11 pm...

Today's Quotation:  "I try to pretend I don't know how to paint, so the experience is new each time." ~Charles Reid

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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Oracle-Goddess Painting, The Oracle-Fine Art Print by Marina Petro

"The Oracle"
Original Sold
Prints on canvas and paper in a variety of sizes are available at Fine Art America.Com

This is yet another painting from my imagination...sort of. One night about 26 years ago as I was lying in bed with my eyes closed (not asleep) the image of the most beautiful woman I could ever imagine appeared to me out of the darkness. She was glowing in light in red-orange garb. The expression on her face was pure love, like nothing I'd ever seen or experienced before...and yet to. "The Oracle" was my first attempt years later to do her justice from memory. I didn't capture her essence though, or how she really appeared. If I did, I wouldn't have sold the original painting. Perhaps when, and if I evolve my skills more, I will try again.....

Here's an interesting link where you can read about the Oracle of Delphi-Greece

Today's Quotation:"You always do what you want to do. This is true with every act. You may say that you had to do something, or that you were forced to,
but actually, whatever you do, you do by choice.
Only you have the power to choose for yourself."
-W. Clement Stone

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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Solar Flames-Celestial Skyscape Clouds Sun Oil Painting 6x12 by Marina Petro

Artist~Marina Petro, Saratoga Springs, NY USA
"Solar Flames
Original oil painting on 1 1/2" deep gallery wrapped canvas,
painted around all sides-does not need a frame.

.....the only one in existence in the entire universe...
Purchase securely at my ETSY SHOP or EMAIL me for other purchasing options.

Every painting (and life) should flow as well as this one did.  I began to paint intuitively/spontaneously and continued without hesitation until it was completed. I am very happy with the result. You should see it 'in person'. The photo cannot do it justice. Here is another one I'd like to paint again on a much larger canvas. Perhaps that will be my next project. Painting my celestial scenes on large canvas...
Today's Quotation: "As a suffering creature, I cannot do without something greater than I--something that is my life--the power to create." 
~Vincent van Gogh

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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Healing Angel-Angel Artwork Fine Art Print by Marina Petro

"Healing Angel"
Original Sold
Fine art prints of this beautiful angel are available on canvas and paper and greeting cards  at 

I am happy to announce that I have joined the artist's online community at Fine Art America.Com. I've been (slowly) adding my collection of paintings to be made available as fine art prints on paper and canvas in a variety of sizes as well as greeting cards.

We're having a small family gathering here for my granddaughter, Dominique's, 16th birthday. Sixteen years have flown by in the blink of an eye and I am in a state of shock and disbelief...whew! I introduced her to painting almost as soon as she could hold a brush and can still hear her excited little voice asking me 'can we paint now, Grandma?' She has since moved away from painting and began studying piano and guitar. She's been composing beautiful pieces on the piano and her teacher says she is gifted. She helped me paint one of my dragons (below) and is working on her painting 'House Of Happiness' in the second picture using water soluble oil paints. She stood at the easel for 3 hours straight. I think it was the only time she'd stayed in one place for that amount of time other than when she's sleeping. Now I am going to have another cup of coffee, cry a bit, and get ready for the day...

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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Solar Fire-Night Skyscape Celestial Oil Painting by Marina Petro

Artist~Marina Petro, Saratoga Springs, NY USA
"Solar Fire"
Original oil painting on stretched canvas painted around all sides.
Purchase securely at my ETSY SHOP or EMAIL  me for other purchasing options.

 Well, I took another jaunt out in space and came back with creation. I am glad I added the planets and stars. They were an afterthought. I am practicing trying to make them glow more. They glow more 'in person' than in this photo.

I've been busy and a bit tired this week. Traveled down to Albany, NY to the Apple Computer store three times to update my computer, purchase and set up my new iPad.  One of my painting buddies brought hers to class a couple of weeks ago and when I saw it, I knew I had to have one. I saw the potential of having a portable portfolio for my artwork which is accessible at any moment. There's also a piano application available - yes - a piano keyboard that I can amuse myself with from time to time.

I began studying the piano when I was 9 years old and stopped when I was 12. I had gotten quite proficient. The last piece I memorized was a version of Malaguena which I played beautifully. My mother asked me to promise to practice the piano for one hour a day and she would buy me a new piano. The one we had was ancient. If I didn't promise,  she planned to trash the existing one and turn the little nook it was in into a 'sitting' nook with a new piece of furniture. That's when I discovered boys and they discovered me. Much more exciting at the time. I couldn't promise an hour a day and the rest is history. I have regretted it ever since...

Today's Quotation:  "Painting is an adventure to an unknown world. New ideas and concepts develop along the way. "  
~Ratindra Das

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