
Monday, May 31, 2010

Star Light-Abstract Outer Space Clouds Celestial Oil Painting by Marina P

Artist~Marina Petro, Saratoga Springs, NY USA
"Star Light"
5x7 inches
Original celestial oil painting on stretched canvas
Purchase securely at my ETSY SHOP or EMAIL me for other purchasing options or inquiries

I titled this piece Star Light because when I finished it what kept running through my mind was "Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight...I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight." I used to say this as a child and still do.

Star Light was created spontaneously from my imagination. I didn't have anything in mind when I began to place colors on the canvas. I simply began painting, following my creative instinct each moment, and this is what resulted! It's always such a great adventure and surprise when I've completed these spontaneous/intuitive works. I am happy with it and hope you enjoy viewing it as well.

Today's Quotation:"  Never let go of the fiery sadness called desire."
~Matsuo Basho

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Glimpse Of An Angel-Oil Painting Of An Angel in Garden by Marina Petro

Artist~Marina Petro, Saratoga Springs, NY USA
"Glimpse Of An Angel"
5x7 oil painting on stretched canvas
The only one of its kind in the entire universe! Is that considered rare, or what?

 Purchase securely at my ETSY SHOP or EMAIL me for other purchasing options/inquiries.

Another angel born to light our path...

Just completed my NEWSLETTER. There's an article on the Genius Of Your Intuition, a gifted healer who offers Distance Healing, and my upcoming workshop schedule.

Today's Quotation:  "As a suffering creature, I cannot do without something greater than I--something that is my life--the power to create." 
 ~Vincent van Gogh

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Monday, May 24, 2010

Dream Garden-Flower Garden Landscape Oil Painting by Marina Petro

Artist~Marina Petro, Saratoga Springs, NY USA
"Dream Garden"
6x8 inches
Original oil painting on stretched canvas

Purchase securely at my ETSY SHOP or EMAIL me for other purchasing options.

I completed this painting a while back and thought I'd re-post it....another creation from my imagination. I began another larger spontaneous painting the other day and used brushstrokes I've never used before over and over and over again.   It was a truly compulsive experience. The first stage turned out looking like intestines...yes, intestines. I will keep working on it and when it's finished I'll post my progress from start to finish. I keep looking at it and shaking my head in disbelief at this point...

I made my usual rounds going into Saratoga Springs office, picked up some groceries, kept scanning the countryside for ideas for paintings. Not too many flowers are blooming...can't wait until they are. I still haven't planted anything in my garden yet. I'll get to it this weekend, starting with a variety of sunflowers which are one of my favorites.

Today's Quotation:  "Every moment there is news coming out of silence."
-Ranier Maria Rilke
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Friday, May 21, 2010

In Full Bloom 11-Flower Garden Floral Landscape Oil Painting by Marina Petro

Artist~Marina Petro, Saratoga Springs, NY USA
"In Full Bloom 11"
22x28 inches
Original oil painting on stretched canvas

This piece was painted several years ago en Plein Air in my garden. It was a vastly enjoyable experience standing outside in the intense exchange of energy/creativity that is involved when painting from life outdoors. Everything seems to come alive in a way that isn't possible when painting from a photograph or even a still life indoors. I've kept this painting close to home. I may have exhibited it once or twice but for the most part, it's been hidden away here. I hope you enjoy viewing it as much as I did painting it.'s a glimpse into my train of thought...ADD??? I woke up this morning, or was it last night, thinking "Oh God, what am I doing with my artwork? I am all over the place.  I love what I create, I enjoy everything I create but.....I'll paint a small still life, then a larger celestial piece, then I'm usually working on an even larger landscape or floral, bold 'zone' paintings, all different sizes...canvas and paint all over the place...thinking about how I would approach abstract painting, which fascinates me, and really wanting to create a recognizable body of work that is consistent. I am ready for a new radical creative idea that perhaps, I can put the entire force of my creativity behind....

Please comment if you are so inclined.....

Today's Quotation:  "When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and I could say, "I used everything that you gave me."
- Erma Bombeck

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Heaven's Light-Flower Garden Floral Landscape Oil Painting by Marina Petro

Artist~Marina Petro, Saratoga Springs, NY USA
"Heaven's Light"
Oil on stretched canvas
...and it is the only one in the entire universe!
Purchase securely at my ETSY SHOP or EMAIL me for other purchasing options and inquiries

This light filled garden painting is a theme I've painted over and over again. I enjoy creating these because they calm me down, and for me, fairly mindless. Not that I'm not focusing on what I'm doing each moment, just radically differently than when I am painting something more structured from life or photo.  Other's must enjoy them as well because most of them have sold fairly quickly. 

This painting contains all the colors related to the spiritual realms, healing, and love.

Today's Quotation:  "Painting requires the bravery of solitude. Painting requires disciplined labor. To be a painter is to search the world with a benevolent eye for every subtle beauty that the infinite world offers."
~Charles Philip Brooks
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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Wildfire-Forest Wild Fire Landscape Oil Painting by Marina Petro

Artist~Marina Petro, Saratoga Springs, NY USA
Oil painting on stretched canvas-painted around all sides.
...and it is the only one in the entire universe!

Purchase securely at my ETSY SHOP or EMAIL me for other purchasing options or inquiries.

I had plenty of paint left over from my earlier still life painting, "Sitting Pretty" and decided to begin to paint spontaneously and see what happened. I toned the entire canvas first with raw sienna and then began to paint, following my creative instinct each moment....Wildfire is the result. It's always such a great adventure and surprise when I complete one of these spontaneous/intuitive works. I am happy with it and hope you enjoy viewing it as well.

Today's Quotation: "Life beats down and crushes the soul and art reminds you that you have one."
~Stella Adler

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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sitting Pretty-Still Life Realism Oil Painting of a Pear

Artist~Marina Petro, Saratoga Springs, NY USA
"Sitting Pretty"
Oil painting on 1-1/2" stretched canvas
Purchase securely at my ETSY SHOP or EMAIL me for other purchasing options and inquiries

The background for this painting was a decorative scrapbook paper I found at a local craft shop. I love painting still lifes on these highly colored/decorative designed backgrounds.  I understand that the color turquoise is going to be the 'hot' color in the next wave of decorating.

"Sitting Pretty" is painted on 1 1/2" thick stretched canvas and painted around all sides. It does not need a frame. 

Today's Quotation: " Boldness has genius, power and magic. Engage, and the mind grows heated. Begin, and the work will be completed."
~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Sunflower Glow-Floral Abstract-Realism Sunflower Oil Painting by Marina Petro

Artist~Marina Petro, Saratoga Springs, NY USA
"Sunflower Glow"
Original oil on stretched canvas
Purchase securely at my ETSY SHOP or EMAIL me for other purchasing options or inquiries.

The photo here cannot do this painting justice. It is one of my recently completed favorites. I painted it from a photo for reference but added much from my imagination. I'll be planting sunflower seeds in my garden next week...stay tuned for more sunflower paintings.

Today's Quotation:  "If you can give your child only one gift, let it be enthusiasm." 
~Bruce Barton
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