
Sunday, October 26, 2008

Painting From "The Zone" Book - Twenty Eight

24"x30" Mixed media on canvas

"The job of the artist is always to deepen the mystery."
-Carl Gustav Jung

We are almost and the end of the line here with just two more pages left from my book. I hope you've been enjoying this diversion from my small daily painting posts...and... that you might be inspired to paint from your 'zone.'

I had a baffling conversation with a woman (probably in her 60's)who attended my recent gallery exhibit opening. She mentioned she would love to attend one of my 'Painting From The Zone' workshops but was too frightened because she 'can't draw a straight line,'and didn't want to embarrass herself. I tried to assure her that prior painting experience was not necessary, in fact even ever picking up a paint brush was not necessary and in short, it is an experience of discovery and freeing one's dormant creativity. Producing a 'pretty picture' is not the goal. Actually, one of the only 'rules' is that no one comment on what anyone else is doing or even overtly view what anyone else is doing. The paintings are not judged or discussed. I try to sustain an environment of freedom and minimize self-consciousness. I suggested she had this one precious life to explore new experiences...she kept shaking her head. How be trapped in only what is safe and familiar...

Prints of "Twenty-Eight" are available on 13"x19" heavyweight matte paper mounted on 16"x20" foam board, directly from me, ready to mat and frame to your liking. Larger prints are available from Imagekind (link below) on paper or canvas.

30" x 24" (76.2cm x 61.0cm)
Ink Jet on Paper
$29 plus $8 shipping and handling in the US
E-mail me for International shipping rates or other inquiries.

Email Marina


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Prints on canvas or paper at Imagekind!
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Painting From "The Zone" Book - Twenty Seven

24"x30" Mixed media on canvas

"Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire."

My valiant attempt at getting more organized and restructuring things around here so I can paint more is falling short of my expectations. I've cut down on cooking, which I don't do much of to begin with. I haven't cleaned in quite some time and in general I'm trying to cut back on other activities. I think it's the many 'glitches' that compromise my time. Last week, I began printing cards and prints for a Halloween Fair I will be participating in. Wouldn't you know it, all the cards that had printed beautifully for years, began printing crooked and in odd ways. It took two days to figure it all out and a lot of wasted paper and ink. Then, PayPal decided to change the way you accessed their buttons...and that took time to finally resolve with the help of David Darrow, another daily painter who created a wonderful 'PayPal Button Machine.' Well, that's enough moaning and groaning for now...

Prints of "Twenty-Seven" are available on 13"x19" heavyweight matte paper mounted on 16"x20" foam board, directly from me. Larger prints are available from Imagekind (link below) on paper or canvas. ImageKind is having a sale on shipping right now...$6 shipping anywhere in US.

30" x 24" (76.2cm x 61.0cm)
Mixed Media on Canvas
$29 plus $8 shipping and handling in the US
E-mail me for International shipping rates or other inquiries.

Email Marina


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Prints on canvas or paper at Imagekind!
Marina's Art On Fine Merchandise at Cafe Press

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Painting From "The Zone" Book - Twenty Six

24"x30" Mixed media on canvas
"The artist vocation is to send light into the human heart."
-Robert Schumann

Autumn here in upstate New York has been magnificent. The colors have been more intense than I ever remember. Took some photos for reference paintings which were highly disappointing once I got them into the computer. The camera is just not seeing what I am seeing. But, I can still glean a few paintings from them. It's getting pretty chilly here too the past few days and the leaves have started to fall...inevitable Winter is approaching.

Prints of "Twenty-Six" are available on 13"x19" heavyweight matte paper mounted on 16"x20" foam board, directly from me. Larger prints are available from Imagekind (link below) on paper or canvas.

30" x 24" (76.2cm x 61.0cm)
Mixed Media on Canvas
$29 plus $8 shipping and handling in the US
E-mail me for International shipping rates or other inquiries.

Email Marina


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Prints on canvas or paper at Imagekind!
Marina's Art On Fine Merchandise at Cafe Press

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Painting From "The Zone" Book - "My Brain"

"My Brain"
22"x28" Tempera on paper

"Oh Great Creator of being grant us one more hour to perform our art and perfect our lives."
-Jim Morrison

Well here it is for all to see. My brain as it was perceived and painted a couple of years ago. Maybe my next painting from the zone will be my brain as it is in 2008. Now I'm curious... This painting was created at a workshop I attended based on the principles of intuitive painting developed by Michelle Cassou who coined her system "Point Zero Painting." This was not new to me as I'd painted like this many many years ago in experimental work I called 'subconscious painting.' It did, however resurrect the desire to work in this way again and what was produced was much more exciting than what I'd done before. This particular piece was painted toward the last day of the workshop when I got into a familiar but temporary struggle with myself approaching a new white piece of paper. I went outside for a break and the thought came in to 'paint your brain.' So I let go of all pre-impressions and just tuned into my brain and began to paint.

I hope I've stimulated even a tiny bit of curiosity for you to begin to explore what you might discover painting from your 'zone.' Start with anything...even a box of crayons would be just fine...Ask yourself 'what wants to be expressed'...get quiet...and reach for the first color that attracts your attention and just begin putting color to paper.

Prints are available on 13"x19" heavyweight matte paper mounted on 16"x20" foam board. directly from me. Larger prints are available from Imagekind (link below) on paper or canvas.

My Brain
22" x 28" (55.9cm x 71.2cm)
Tempera on Paper
$29 plus $8 shipping and handling in the US
E-mail me for International shipping rates or other inquiries.

Email Marina


Studio Tour
My eBay Store
Boundless Gallery
Prints on canvas or paper at Imagekind!
Marina's Art On Fine Merchandise at Cafe Press

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Painting From "The Zone" Book - Twenty Five

20"x24" Mixed media on canvas

"Begin doing what you want to do now. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand, and melting like a snowflake."
-Marion Beyon Ray

I was going to post two paintings again today but the 'add image' in 'Blogger' stopped least for now. I've been working on a larger autumn landscape and finished a few smaller daily paintings over the past week or so. I've got one on the easel now that I'm looking forward to working on and completing today. It often takes me more than one day to complete the smaller paintings.

Prints are available on 13"x19" heavyweight matte paper mounted on 16"x20" foam board directly from me at a special price of $29+$8 shipping anywhere in the continental US...through PayPal. Larger prints are available from Imagekind (link below) on paper or canvas.

Email Marina


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Boundless Gallery
Prints on canvas or paper at Imagekind!
Marina's Art On Fine Merchandise at Cafe Press

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Painting From "The Zone" Book - Twenty Three & Twenty Four

24"x30" Mixed media on canvas

"The road to enlightenment is long, so bring some snacks and magazines."

24"x30" Mixed media on canvas

"Life beats down and crushes the soul, and art reminds you that you have one."
-Stella Adler

Prints are available on 13"x19" heavyweight matte paper mounted on 16"x20" foam board directly from me at a special price of $29+$8 shipping anywhere in the continental US.Email me (link below) if you are interested in purchasing. They are also available at ImageKind (below) who can provide them in larger sizes on paper or canvas.

Email Marina


Studio Tour
My eBay Store
Boundless Gallery
Prints on canvas or paper at Imagekind!
Marina's Art On Fine Merchandise at Cafe Press

Monday, October 13, 2008

Painting From "The Zone" Book - Twenty One & Twenty Two

24"x30" Mixed media on canvas

"Be daring, be different, be impractical, be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision against the play-it-safers, the creatures of the commonplace, the slaves of the ordinary."
-Cecil Beaton

24"x30" Mixed media on canvas

"The ground we walk on,the plants and creatures, the clouds above constantly dissolving into new formations-each gift of nature possessing its own radiant energy bound together by cosmic harmony."
-Ruth Bernhard

Is anyone out there? What do you think of this series thus far? Any comments? You can leave them at my blog-link is below. This seems to be a quiet time all around. I haven't even gotten much 'junk' email in the past week or two...and I've been a bit non-communicative as well...

Prints are available on 13"x19" heavyweight matte paper mounted on 16"x20" foam board directly from me at a special price of $29+$8 shipping anywhere in the continental US.Email me (link below) if you are interested in purchasing. They are also available at ImageKind (below) who can provide them in larger sizes on paper or canvas.

Email Marina


Studio Tour
My eBay Store
Boundless Gallery
Prints on canvas or paper at Imagekind!
Marina's Art On Fine Merchandise at Cafe Press

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Painting From "The Zone" Book - Nineteen & Twenty

24"x30" Mixed media on canvas

"Tell me what you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"
-Mary Oliver

24"x30" Mixed media on canvas

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle, the other is as though everything is a miracle."
-Albert Einstein

Prints are available on 13"x19" heavyweight matte paper mounted on 16"x20" foam board directly from me at a special price of $29+$8 shipping anywhere in continental US.Email me (link below) if you are interested in purchasing. They are also available at ImageKind (below) who can provide them in larger sizes on paper or canvas.

If you'd like to leave a comment about this series, you can do so by clicking the link to my blog below.

Email Marina


Studio Tour
My eBay Store
Boundless Gallery
Prints on canvas or paper at Imagekind!
Marina's Art On Fine Merchandise at Cafe Press

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Painting From "The Zone" Book - Seventeen & Eighteen

24"x30" Mixed media on canvas

"Everything that is new or uncommon raises a pleasure in the imagination because it fills the soul with an agreeable surprise, gratifies its curiosity, and gives it an idea of which it was not before possessed."
-Joseph Addison

24"x30" Mixed media on canvas

"Rest not! Life is sweeping by; go and dare before you die. Something mighty and sublime, leave behind to conquer time."

Prints are available on 13"x19" heavyweight matte paper mounted on 16"x20" foam board directly from me for $29+$8 shipping anywhere in continental US.
Email me (link below) if you are interested in purchasing. They are also available at ImageKind (below) who can provide them in larger sizes on paper or canvas.

In the past I mentioned it would be very difficult for me to choose one style to paint in out the the four styles I work in. I ask myself this periodically. If it really came down to it though, I think I would choose painting from 'The Zone.' There is a certain sense of freedom that accompanies painting this way. It's easy to set up and begin painting. I squeeze my paints into an ice cube tray, fill a jar with water, and just begin to paint as the spirit moves me. I also consider these paintings more 'original.' Anyone can do it. There's no training involved. Pure spontaneity...and they continue to intrigue me when I view them. So there it is...painting from 'The Zone' least today...

Email Marina


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Prints on canvas or paper at Imagekind!
Marina's Art On Fine Merchandise at Cafe Press

Monday, October 6, 2008

Painting From "The Zone" Book - Fifteen & Sixteen

24"x30" Mixed media on canvas

"The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don't go back to sleep. You must ask for what you really want. Don't go back to sleep."

20"x24" Mixed Media on canvas

"Congratulate yourself if you have done something strange and extravagant and broken the monotony of a decorous age."

Prints are available on 13"x19" heavyweight matte paper mounted on 16"x20" foam board directly from me for $29+$8 shipping anywhere in continental US.
Email me (link below) if you are interested in purchasing. They are also available at ImageKind (below) who can provide them in larger sizes on paper or canvas.

Email Marina


Studio Tour
My eBay Store
Boundless Gallery
Prints on canvas or paper at Imagekind!
Marina's Art On Fine Merchandise at Cafe Press

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Painting From "The Zone" Book - Thirteen & Fourteen

20"x24" Mixed media on canvas

"The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed but, not the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new."

I love the above quotation by Rajneesh...and how true it is. One of the very first memories I have after the birth of my first daughter was the impact and shock of realizing my life had inalterably changed forever. The sense of responsibility was overwhelming. Not sure if I've ever recovered.

When I painted the woman's face I had no idea I was going to paint a smaller figure. As the smaller figure progressed and I impulsively put a red bow in her hair and red shoes, I knew it was me. I had completely forgotten how my mother used to put that red bow in my hair. The shoes were significant too. They were connected to a fairly traumatic experience when I went into the hospital at 5 yrs. old to have my tonsils out. I remember looking down, seeing my red shoes, and then lost consciousness. Strange how these things are stored in deep memory and seek recognition when there is an open channel. This is what makes painting spontaneously from "The Zone" so fascinating.

24"x30" Mixed media on canvas

"The more I know, the less I know, soon I will know nothing. The more I know, the less I speak. Soon I will be speechless."

OK folks, that's it for today. I'm going back to my studio. I started a painting earlier, got very tired and achey and had to lie down and take a nap. As I was falling off to sleep I was thinking how wonderful it would be to go away to a health spa for a month or so and be taken care tubs, massages, swimming pool or ocean, someone else to prepare magical meals to melt off weight...dream on, Marina.

Prints are available on 13"x19" heavyweight matte paper mounted on 16"x20" foam board directly from me for $29+$8 shipping anywhere in continental US.
Email me (link below) if you are interested in purchasing one.

Email Marina


Studio Tour
My eBay Store
Boundless Gallery
Prints on canvas or paper at Imagekind!
Marina's Art On Fine Merchandise at Cafe Press