
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Painting From "The Zone" Book - Eleven & Twelve

24"x30" Mixed media on canvas
"The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been kindness,beauty and truth."
-Albert Einstein

Print available on 13"x19" heavyweight matte paper mounted on 16"x20" foam board directly from me for $29+$8 shipping anywhere in continental US.

'Eleven' was also painted during the time my mother was dying. The lower right has an image that looks a bit like a sarcophagus or wrapped mummy figure in front of a crucifix with a halo of gold. It was fascinating as these images emerged directly from the unconscious. This was the first piece in this series that I painted on canvas and have continued exclusively on canvas since then. I have no patience for framing pieces under glass.

20"x24" Mixed media on canvas
"The golden moments in the stream of life rush past us and we see nothing but sand. The angels come to visit us, and we only know them when they are gone."
-George Eliot

Print available on 13"x19" heavyweight matte paper mounted on 16"x20" foam board directly from me for $29+$8 shipping anywhere in continental US.

It's been a busy few days for me. I decided to buy a new car (2004)Hyundai Santa Fe. I've heard they are great in snow and I've got a steep hill on the way home and country roads to travel here. My jeep was beginning to show signs of concern and it would have cost more to fix than it was worth. I thanked it...really I did...and gave it back to the dealer I originally purchased it from. Feels like I'm floating on air in the new car. The jeep was a rough ride. Anyway, that certainly cut into my painting time and I'm not happy about it.

I'd love to hear what you think of these paintings from "The Zone." You can click on my blog link below and leave a comment.

Prints on paper or canvas in larger sizes can also be ordered directly from ImageKind...their link is below.

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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Painting From "The Zone" Book - Eight & Nine

22"x28" Tempera on Paper
"Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in."
-Leonard Cohen

22"x28" Tempera on Paper
"There is a strong shadow where ther is much light."

I painted this when my mother was dying. It was very interesting to observe the symbolism of the tears of blood that were spontaneously painted. I suppose that's how my unconscious wanted to express my pain.

All these paintings from "The Zone" are available as prints directly from me in approximately 11"x14" images on 13"x19" heavyweight matte paper for $29 + shipping. Email me if you are interested in purchasing.

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Paintings From 'THE ZONE' Book -Six & Seven

22"x28" Tempera on Paper
"An artist makes art to save her life."
-Marlene Azoulai

22"x28" Tempera on Paper
"I'd like to write the way I do my paintings, that is, fantasy takes me as the moon dictates."
-Paul Gaughin

I am offering these prints,approximately 11"x14" image size on heavyweight 13" x 19" matte paper for $29 each +$8.00 shipping. They will be mounted on 16"x20"foamboard ready to mat and frame. Email me if you are interested.

Hope you are enjoying these...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Paintings From 'THE ZONE' Book -Four & Five

22"x28" Tempera on Paper
"Making art is like giving a gift: evidence of your spirit and that you are here."
-Patty Mitchell

22"x28" Tempera on Paper
"Intuitive artists are messengers. Their symbolic vocabulary originates from the infinite wisdom of higher spheres, in a non-referential time/space continuum."
-Elle Nicolai

I'm glad I had the opportunity to paint this morning at my art class. I'm working on another landscape, an autumn scene which I thought would be 'easy' and is turning out to be quite a challenge. I was planning to go home and continue the painting but my car started acting's getting to the point where I need to replace I ended up visiting a few local car dealers By the time I was through, my energy had waned.

The opening reception of my exhibit "Heaven & Earth" at 70 Beekman St. Fine Art Gallery was great. It was so good to connect with friends and collectors. Lucky me, there's yet another opening Saturday, October 6, for the 'First Saturday' celebration in the Beekman St. Arts District in Saratoga Springs, NY.

Hope you're enjoying my Paintings From "The Zone"...

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Monday, September 22, 2008

Paintings From 'THE ZONE' Book-Cover & Three

Cover for Paintings From "The Zone" Book

22"x28" Tempera on Paper
"Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere."
-Carl Sagan

Hello again. I hadn't thought of including the cover yesterday so here it is. Snazzy isn't it? Yesterday I included the introduction for the book. Today I will include "The Process" which is on the facing page...and that's about all the writing except for the quotations that go with each painting.

The Process
My most exhilarating life experiences have been discovering the range of creativity I didn't know existed within me. Painting from "The Zone" is one of those experiences.

When I begin a painting, I deliberately clear my mind of any intention other than creative discovery and being present in each moment. With 'nothing in mind' I dip my brush into the first color that draws my attention and begin to opaint, moment to moment, one color after the next, until I sense the painting has all it wants and is complete. Paint is applied in it's pure form, without mixing colors. My palette is an ice cube tray.

This has been a thoroughly fascinating experience, enabling me to delve into deeper and more expansive levels of my creativity, imagery process, and inner being...always in discovery...

That's it for today folks.

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Paintings From 'THE ZONE' Book

22"x28" Tempera on Paper
"A mind that is stretched can never go back to its old dimensions."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

22"x28" Tempera on Paper
"If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.
-Buddhist Proverb

As I mentioned in my last post, I am going to post two paintings each day contained in my Painting From "The Zone" Book...from one to twenty-nine, along with the quotations I chose for each. The book is 6"x8" printed on black semi-gloss paper. It is stunning and I'm happy with it. There wasn't as much room for text as I'd like so the quotes had to be printed in a very small font but most persons have commented that it didn't matter to them.

Below is the introductory page"
About This Book:
"The paintings in this book are an ongoing series. After many years of working with oil on canvas in a radically different style, I began experimenting with water based media, painting spontaneously, moment to moment, with 'nothing in mind.'

Discovering this new spontaneous and intuitive process of painting has been one of the highlights in my creative journey. I number these paintings rather than giving them titles. Assigning titles would reduce them to suggestion of interpretation and limit their impact and the viewers imagination.

I've arranged the paintings in the order in which they were created to show the progression and evolution of this body of work."

If you are interested in purchasing a copy, please email me for details (link below)

Incidentally, I have not exhibited these paintings anywhere yet. I had been reluctant to sell them. I've changed my mind about that recently...

I hope you enjoy my journey into "The Zone."
That's it for today folks...

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Friday, September 19, 2008

"IN THE BEGINNING" by Marina Petro

"In The Beginning"
30"x40" oil on stretched canvas
Contact me for purchasing options

This was painted a few years ago. It's been keeping some of the other paintings I wasn't completely satisfied with company until I decided to rework it a bit and display it in my current exhibit "Heaven & Earth"at 70 Beekman St. Fine Arts Gallery in Saratoga Springs, NY.

For you local folks, the opening reception is tomorrow...Saturday, Sept. 20th from 5-8 pm. Twenty-two pieces are on display. I'm calling the show "Heaven & Earth" because it gives me freer reign to display my cosmic paintings as well as my more traditional landscapes and more realistic art, rather than having a specific theme with similar styles. Maybe I'll just call all my exhibits Heaven & Earth. I like it.

I've slacked up a bit with posting here, much to my dismay. Life has not been cooperating with my desires (what else is new) and little funky out-of-the-blue time and energy consuming events have been plentiful. I'm grateful they are not 'big' nasty events, though...eternally grateful for that...

I created a book of my From "The Zone" Series paintings with my trusty Apple/Macintosh computer and it is pretty impressive. I was thinking I'd post two paintings a day from the series to give you an idea of the progression of this body of work...and to give me a chance to get back into the swing of things and paint and post more consistently. My next book will probably be my angel and garden paintings.

Today's Quotation: "The surest way to lose the best in life is to fail to recognize it when you already have it."
— Unknown

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Thursday, September 11, 2008

"DREAM GARDEN" by Marina Petro

"Dream Garden"
6x8 Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas
Purchase for $99 + shipping at my ebay store or email me for other options

This was a pleasure to paint as it flowed fairly effortlessly from my imagination. I experience it as calming/soothing. A place to go to when I need to settle down. I'm in the midst of preparing for a weekend "Master Your Intuition" workshop so you probably won't hear from me for a couple of days.

The weekend of Sept. 27 & 28, I'll be giving two Painting From "The Zone" Workshops.
Today's Quotation: "Fresh activity is the only means of overcoming adversity." -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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Saturday, September 6, 2008

"AUTUMN MOON" by Marina Petro

"Autumn Moon"
22"x28" Original Oil on Stretched Canvas in a beautiful wide gold frame.
On exhibition now at 70 Beekman St. Gallery in Saratoga Springs, NY
To purchase, visit the gallery or call them and ask for Mary at 518-542-6688.

I am very happy with this painting. Would you believe, one of the most frustrating parts of painting it was the sky! I'd never painted a plain sky without clouds before. Getting a fairly even tone took some doing. One more thing to add to the list of my ever developing painting skills.

For my local subscribers, I have 22 paintings on display at 70 Beekman Street Art Gallery in Saratoga Springs,NY. The opening reception is Saturday, September 20 from 4-8pm. Hope to see some of you there!

Today's Quote: "The artist vocation is to send light into the human heart."
-Robert Schumann
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Monday, September 1, 2008

"ANGEL" by Marina Petro

"Angel" just Sold
5x7 inch original oil on gallery wrapped canvas.
$99 Purchase here or email me for other purchasing options
Another product of my kidding, Marina...we thought you painted it from life. I'm posting this little angel again. I have two paintings on easels in process and I've completed two little ones, but haven't had the time to get them into my computer. This has been a very busy weekend. I've created a book of my 'Zone' paintings. I should have it in hand within a week or so.

I also had a gallery exhibit scheduled for September 20th and received a call from the gallery owner asking if I could bring my paintings in this Wednesday...and I'm not ready yet...but will be by Wednesday morning. When things quiet down after that I'll post my new ones. Oh, I forgot, I have another small painting on another easel...a still life with two apples posing, which are beginning to decompose. And now...'Prison Break' just came on so I am going to sign off...

Today's Quotation: "Whatever you love, you are." -Rumi

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