
Monday, August 25, 2008

"SUN BIRTH" by Marina Petro

"Sun Birth"
6x8 inches
Oil on gallery wrapped stretched canvas painted around all sides.

This is one of my favorites. It was if it painted itself. Just flowed from beginning to completion. It's wonderful when that happens and it usually happens when I'm not thinking too much.

I am offering another "Painting From The Zone" workshop the weekend of September 27 & 28. Day one is "Painting From The Zone" Day two is "Paint Your Angels From The Zone" I was inspired to do the latter 'out of the blue' or, 'out of the zone' a few weeks for complete details. Maybe I'll see some of you there???

Today's Quotation: "When the Japanese mend broken objects they aggrandize the damage by filling the cracks with gold, because they believe that when something's suffered damage and has a history it becomes more beautiful." -Barbara Bloom

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Sunday, August 24, 2008

"POLKA DOT PEAR" by Marina Petro

"Polka Dot Pear"
6x6 inches
Original oil on Gessobord
Purchase here at eBay or email me for other purchasing options

Now isn't this a nice little painting? I enjoyed painting it and will probably use this fabric again soon. Love the polka dots. I don't own one piece of clothing with polka dots, though. I visited the local orchard farm
store and picked up a few apples with the leaves attached. Hopefully I will get to painting them before it's a toss up between painting, or eating them before they go bad.

Creativity can be a blessing and a curse. I have so many ideas constantly coming into my mind...and partially initiated... that I've overextended myself. One thing I'll say is I am never bored or blocked so I guess that's a good thing. This morning I got all my angel paintings (21 in all) together in a folder. I am planning to create a book with inspirational quotations along with each painting. I'll see how it goes and possibly add some of my garden paintings as well. I'd like to have it available at my annual studio sale. Yes, it's things like this that keep me at the edge...

Today's Quotation: "The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been kindness, beauty and truth."
-Albert Einstein

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Sunday, August 17, 2008

"ZONE SERIES" No. 29 by Marina Petro

The Zone Series #29
22x28 inch acrylic gouache + gouache on stretched canvas
eMail me (link below) for purchasing options

A couple of posts ago I displayed this painting in progress and in error titled it Zone No.28 instead of here is the finished painting with an image of the last time I worked on it as well. I've decided I am willing to sell the original "zone" paintings. I'd been hesitant to do this. It is not in my nature to get attached to 'things' and that includes my paintings. My favorite part of this painting is the lower third. Hope you enjoy viewing it! I will go into my studio now and probably paint some clouds...although by the time I get there I may change my mind. We'll's the adventure of the moment that I love...

By a strange coincidence I came across an article on developing intuition I'd written posted on a website I was not familiar with. If you are interested in knowing a bit more about your intuition and a neat exercise to 'tune in' visit here.

Today's Quotation: "Don't curse the darkness – light a candle."
-Chinese Proverb

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Saturday, August 16, 2008

"THREE PEARS" by Marina Petro

"Three Pears"
6x8 inch oil on gallery wrapped canvas painted around all sides
Purchase at eBay here or email me for other purchasing options
I like the movement or motion this painting seems to have because of the pear on the left leaning away from the others. If I had to choose one fruit above all to paint it would be pears. There's such variety in coloring and shapes. Some seem to have 'personalities'. I'm still looking for more pears with leaves. I'm always so happy when I find one.

This was yet another day with the most incredible clouds I think I've ever seen in this area. Huge, REALLY huge white clouds in amazing shapes with greys and very dark clouds hovering around...and...wouldn't you know it, I left my camera home. It was hard to keep my eyes on the road as I was driving.

Greeting cards of my artwork are now available at Imagekind.Comtake a look...

Today's Quotation: "You always do what you want to do. This is true with every act. You may say that you had to do something, or that you were forced to, but actually, whatever you do, you do by choice.
Only you have the power to choose for yourself."
-W. Clement Stone

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Monday, August 11, 2008

"PEACH & PEARS" by Marina Petro


"Peach & Pears"
6x6 inch oil on Raymar Canvas Panel
Purchase at my eBay store here or email me for other purchasing options.

I especially like the highlights on the background fabric in this painting. It was an unintended consequence of using a new brush and hurrying as I was painting the fabric. I stopped at the right time.

Yesterday I gathered ALL the quotations I've posted since I began this blog. I am planning to create a book of my paintings with inspirational quotes...soon I hope. The book will be created on my trusty Apple computer using iPhoto. I'll keep you posted.

Today's Quote: "Don't fight darkness - bring the light, and darkness will disappear."
-Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

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Saturday, August 9, 2008

"THE ZONE SERIES" #28 in process by Marina Petro

"The Zone Series" #28 in process
22x28 acrylic, gouache on stretched canvas

Thought I'd be finished with this by now but I'm still working on it so... I thought I'd post my progress so far. I hope you enjoy seeing these paintings at the different stages of completion. I'm trying my best to be a 'good' daily painter. Hopefully I'll clear out enough around here so I can photograph and post daily.

I have another larger landscape I began on Tuesday so I'm a busy little girl. Yesterday, as I was driving home from my training appointment at the wonderful Apple Computer store and a visit with my daughter and granddaughter, I decided to take the lake route home. The clouds have been impressive this summer...huge, fluffy, highly defined, bright white and deep blue-grays. I took a few photos of cloud formations above the lake and can't wait to paint them. many ideas and only one of me. I'll probably be singing this lament on my way to the pearly gates...

Today's Quotation: "To have taken up painting, no matter at what age, or point in one's life, is to have entered into a new and deeper awareness of the whole meaning of existence, to have tasted spiritual refreshment, and to have found the perfect form of creative relaxation."
-Mervyn Levy

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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

"THE ZONE SERIES" #28 in process by Marina Petro

"The Zone Series" #28 in process
I really felt like cutting loose and beginning another painting from 'my zone.'I am using my new 'Yes' canvas with acrylic gouache and gouache paint and I like it a lot. The canvas is extremely smooth and easy to work with this type paint. It's also a lot easier than working with oil. I squeeze my paints out in an ice cube tray and just them with water occasionally when they begin to dry. Brushes are easily cleaned with water. I use pure color as it comes out of the tube---no mixing. I'll keep you posted with it's progress.

In the meantime, you can have some fun and create your own painting from your zone here...
Just move your mouse anywhere over the page. To change colors click your mouse and keep going.

Today's Quote: "Begin doing what you want to do now. We have only this moment,sparkling like a star in our hand -- and melting like a snowflake." - Marie Beyon Ray

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