
Sunday, December 30, 2007

"FROM THE DEEP" by Marina Petro

"From The Deep"
16x20 inches
Oil on stretched canvas
Email me for purchasing options
This image is also available on paper in a 16x20 inch double mat.

Well my dear subscribers, you haven't heard from me for a while. I will continue to post (older work) sporadically until I'm fully recovered and able to paint and work on my computer more consistently. I finished this painting back in November and very pleased with it. I always learn something new with each painting.

The following quotation is from a Christmas card I received over 40 years ago. It is one of the rare ones I've held on to...

"...and so at this time I greet you.
Not quite as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and with the prayer that for you now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away."
-Fra Giovanni

Happy New Year to you all...

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Sunday, December 16, 2007

"Magical Pond" by Marina Petro

"Magical Pond"
16x20 inches
Original oil on stretched canvas
Email me for purchasing options
Also available - Double Matted Print $59+$7 shipping (16x20 antique white w/gold inner liner)

I completed this painting recently. Decided I'd post it today as I continue to recover from surgery and haven't been painting for a while. This is a bit different than anything I've done before and I'm very happy with the resulting piece. It was inspired by a photograph in a gardening magazine. I painted only a small part of the original photo. It's always so exciting to expand into new vistas with my art...and this has been the year for new vistas...between the small daily paintings I've been producing and these new larger ones...can't wait to discover what else is there beneath the surface just waiting to emerge. I hope you enjoy viewing it.

Today's Quotation: "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."

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Sunday, December 9, 2007

"Xmas Angel" by Marina Petro

"Xmas Angel"
5x7 inch original acrylic on gallery wrapped stretched canvas painted around all sides.
Purchase at ebay here
Or email me for other options(link is below)

Well my dear's the latest scoop. You might have noticed that I haven't been posting much of late. I am recovering from surgery as I type and it will be a while before I can get back into the swing of things. I am doing exceptionally well though, in very good spirits, and relieved that I'm on the other side of this crisis. I managed to have my annual studio sale 3 days before entering the hospital. It went very well and was such a blessing to connect with so many friends and patrons. I am blessed and I know it and I am in a state of profound gratitude.

I won't be posting much for a while. I do have some fairly recent paintings I haven't displayed yet and may do so once a week or so until I can be consistent with my painting and that's the story here in Saratoga.

I originally called this little painting "Celestial Angel." I'm now calling it "Xmas Angel." If it sells for Christmas that's a good thing. If not, I will change it back to Celestial Angel...artist's license being taken here...

Today's Quotation: "Here is the test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: if you're alive, it isn't."
Richard Bach

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Friday, November 16, 2007

"THE HILL" by Marina Petro

"The Hill"
20x24 inches
Oil on stretched canvas
Email or call me for purchasing options.

This is one of my new larger paintings. It depicts a hill I pass daily on my way home on Southard Road on the outskirts of Saratoga Springs, NY. I am hoping to photograph it with one of those beautiful dramatic November purple-gray cloudy skies but so far there haven't been least when the light was right for a painting. I'd like to paint this scene in all four seasons.

Today's Quote: "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing."

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Thursday, November 8, 2007

"THE ZONE SERIES" #24 by Marina Petro

"The Zone" Series #24
Original 20x24 mixed media on canvas, NFS yet
Prints on 13" x 19" paper are available at $29-email me
or...order prints on canvas or paper in a variety of sizes from Imagekind below.

Another painting from the zone. It never fails to amaze me when I complete one of these. It is always a process of discovery and I can't predict the outcome ever! I've been getting more feedback from individuals lately about this series-above and beyond my 'usual' styles of painting. This is the most relaxing, non challenging artwork I've ever done. I just begin to paint...there's no color mixing at all.I just dip my trusty brush into the color that attracts me in the moment, bring it up to the canvas and it all happens from there. I hope to offer an introductory day long workshop in Saratoga Springs next Spring on "Painting From The Zone." Any interest out there? Hope you enjoy this one and thanks for looking!

Today's Quote: "A frenzied passion for art is a canker that devours everything else."
-Charles Baudelaire

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Thursday, November 1, 2007

"COSMIC STORM" by Marina Petro

"Cosmic Storm"
24x30 inches
Oil on Canvas-original sold
16x20 double matted print available for $35 at ebay here a variety of sizes on paper or canvas at Imagekind here

Cosmic Storm was painted spontaneously from my imagination. The original is in the private collection of a dear friend of mine. Hope you enjoy viewing it!

A fairly major occurance has taken place which has hampered my ability to paint and produce a small painting consistently enough to post new work here. So...for a while I will be posting older work that I have already photographed...a bit keep in touch.

Today's Quote: "Intuition is the subliminal sense that Spirit endowed us with to maneuver safely through the maze that is real life."
— Sarah ban Breathnach

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Saturday, October 27, 2007

"THE ZONE" Series #26

From "The Zone" Series #26
Mixed media on stretched canvas-original NFS
Prints on 13"x19" paper can be ordered directly from me at $29 ea. Email me for additional is below
Prints on canvas or paper in a variety of sizes can be ordered from

Here I am again with another painting from "The Zone." Hope you enjoy it. My latest challenge (from another zone) has been with woodpeckers eating the front of my house away. Do you believe it??? With all the trees out here they chose my house to make their nests. There are holes all over now. We've patched the holes but they just find a new place to peck away.We're able to chase them when we are here but they really go to town when we're
out. They seem to have let up the past few days and hopefully have gone south or somewhere else...Has anyone out there had any experience like this? If so, I'd appreciate any information.

Today's Quote: "When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained."
-Mark Twain

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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

"THE ZONE" Series #14 by Marina Petro

From "The Zone" Series #14

Original 24x30 inch
Mixed media on stretched canvas NFS
Prints on 13"x19" paper can be ordered directly from me at $29 ea. Email me for additional is below
Prints on canvas or paper in a variety of sizes can be ordered from

To be perfectly honest, I don't feel like photographing my new work yet...and that is why I am posting these paintings from The Zone. It's convenient and I can still keep in touch. Funny thing about posting at a blog...especially a 'daily painting' blog. There's a sense of 'someone watching.' Most of my life I've sensed 'something' watching my every action and thought. It started when my mother began talking about God. What stayed with me is that 'He sees everything you do.' Well, I hope I've at least been entertaining...

Today's Quote: "O Lord, help me to be pure, but not yet."
-Saint Augustine

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Saturday, October 13, 2007

"THE ZONE" Series #16 by Marina Petro

From "The Zone" Series #16
Original 20x24 inch
Mixed media on stretched canvas NFS
Prints on 13"x19" paper can be ordered directly from me at $29 ea. Email me for additional is below
Prints on canvas or paper in a variety of sizes can be ordered from

Here is one of my very favorites from The Zone. I've been working on some larger works with oil on canvas and have a couple of small daily paintings that I will post as soon as I photograph them.

In the meantime, I am very happy to announce that my new website which has taken forever is now visible online at this link
I'd love it if you'd visit and give me your impressions and/or suggestions.

Today's Quote: "Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."
-Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Thursday, October 11, 2007

"THE ZONE" Series #25

"The Zone" Series #25
Original 20x24 inch
Mixed media on stretched canvas NFS
Prints on 13"x19" paper can be ordered directly from me at $29 ea. Email me for additional is below
Prints on canvas or paper in a variety of sizes can be ordered from

Another creation from "The Zone." I hope you are enjoying these paintings as much as I do painting them! I've been getting such nice feedback on these so I'll continue posting them for a while....until I can get my 'daily' act together again. I am still waiting for my new website to be visible online and will make the announcement as soon as it is. There were glitches' as usual. I'm an Aries...absent of patience at birth...but have cultivated it slowly over the years to a point of near perfection. I suppose the lesson is in realizing what you have control over and what you don't. I do have great trust in 'perfect timing' or the right time for whatever it is to manifest. It's always in retrospect, though, when the realization of the gift in the delays can be understood.

Today's Quote: "Forgiveness means giving up all hope of a better past."
-Landrum Bolling

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Sunday, October 7, 2007

"THE ZONE" Series #22 by Marina Petro

From "The Zone" Series #22
Original-Mixed media on canvas-NFS
Mixed media on stretched canvas-original NFS
Prints on 13"x19" paper can be ordered directly from me at $29 ea. Email me for additional is below
Prints on canvas or paper in a variety of sizes can be ordered from

I am very happy to announce that my new website is finally complete. I've published it and I'm just waiting for the transfer from one place to another to take place which will be Wednesday or Thursday. It's taken a lot of time and energy but well worth the effort as I can now display ALL my artwork and make changes in a snap. I created it with three galleries. One for my visionary paintings, one for my daily paintings, and one for my Zone series. I'll keep you posted.

Todays Quote: "I'd like to write the way I do my paintings, that is, as fantasy takes me, as the moon dictates."
-Paul Gauguin

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Thursday, October 4, 2007

"THE ZONE" Series #27 by Marina Petro

From "The Zone" Series #27
Mixed media on stretched canvas-original NFS
Prints on 13"x19" paper can be ordered directly from me at $29 ea. Email me for additional is below
Prints on canvas or paper in a variety of sizes can be ordered from

This is the 27th and last painting I've completed in this series which will probably continue for as long as I'm around on this planet. Feel free to leave any comments about this piece at my is below.

Today's Quotation: "For he shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways. On their hands they will bear you up,lest you dash your foot against a stone."
Psalm 91:10-1

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Wednesday, October 3, 2007

"THE ZONE" Series #20 by Marina Petro

From "The Zone" Series #20
Mixed media on stretched canvas-original NFS
Prints on 13"x19" paper can be ordered directly from me at $29 ea. Email me for additional is below
Prints on canvas or paper in a variety of sizes can be ordered from

Here is the twentieth painting that emerged from "The Zone." If anyone is interested in suggesting titles for these, check out my blog for the last few posts and feel free to email me with your ideas....links are below.

Today's Quotation: "Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere."
-Carl Sagan

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Saturday, September 29, 2007

"MY BRAIN" by Marina Petro

"My Brain"
Original 22x28 inch Tempera on Paper-NFS

Prints on 13"x19" paper can be ordered directly from me at $29 ea. Email me for additional is below
Prints on canvas or paper in a variety of sizes can be ordered from

This is another in the "Zone Series" but one which I gave a title to because there was a specific intention that motivated the painting. As I was about to begin painting, I got the clear impression to paint my here it is in all it's magnificent complexity! It is the 19th in the series. This was done a while back. I'll probably do another one....curious about what would manifest this time.

If you're curious about the process I used for this one here it is. I just focused on my brain and spontaneously reached for the colors that I was attracted to in the moment and began painting...and kept painting until I felt it was finished. That's it! Give it a whirl. You don't even need paint...even crayons will do.

I am seriously considering presenting a day long workshop in "Intuitive Painting From The Zone" Anyone out there interested?

Today's Quotation: "There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."
-Anais Nin

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Friday, September 28, 2007

"THE ZONE" Series #5 by Marina Petro

From "The Zone" Series #5
Original tempera on 22x28 inch paper - NFS

Prints on 13"x19" paper can be ordered directly from me at $29 ea. Email me for additional is below
Prints on canvas or paper in a variety of sizes can be ordered from

This is one of my favorites in the series. It is the fifth one I painted. The process of moment to moment expression was still a very new experience. I'd always painted intuitively prior to this but in an entirely different way. We never know what we are capable of until an opportunity presents itself to explore...

Today's Quotation: "People are like stained glass windows: they sparkle and shine when the sun's out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is light within."
-Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

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Thursday, September 27, 2007

"THE ZONE" Series #17 by Marina Petro

"The Zone" Series #17
Original Mixed Media on 24 x 30 inch canvas-NFS

How would you categorize these paintings from "The Zone?"
Abstract? Visionary? Outsider? Intuitive?
Whenever I ask no one seems to truly know. Any ideas out there? You can email me with them. (link is below) It's been suggested that I call them 'outsider art' as I am self taught and have had no formal training. What I do know is that they are very exciting and relaxing to paint. The relaxing element has to do with keeping focused solely on the process and not the outcome.

Prints on 13"x19" paper can be ordered directly from me at $29 ea. Email me for additional information.
Prints on canvas or paper in a variety of sizes can be ordered from

Today's Quotation: "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending."
-Carl Bard

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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

'"THE ZONE" Series #8 by Marina Petro

From "The Zone" Series #8
Original tempera on 22 x 28 inch paper-NFS

Here is another painting in my "Zone" series. This is the eighth one completed. I would encourage all painters to try a few paintings in this totally spontaneous and freeing many surprises in store for you...

Original tempera on paper-NFS
Prints on 13"x19" paper can be ordered directly from me at $29 ea. Email me for additional information.
Prints on canvas or paper in a variety of sizes can be ordered from

Today's Quotation: "Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure...than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."
-Theodore Roosevelt

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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

"THE ZONE" Series-1

From "The Zone" Series #1

Original tempera on paper-NFS
Prints on 13"x19" paper can be ordered directly from me at $29 ea. Email me for additional information.
Prints on canvas or paper in a variety of sizes can be ordered from

I wanted to share some of my paintings from "The Zone" Series with you. These paintings are a radical departure from the work I usually do. I began experimenting with water based media on paper and canvas, painting spontaneously and intuitively from one moment to the next. When I begin these paintings I have 'nothing in mind'. I apply paint with the first color that attracts my attention...and continue to paint until I sense the painting is completed. This has been a thoroughly fascinating experience...enabling me to delve into deeper, more expansive levels of my creativity, imagery process and inner being......always in discovery...
I've decided to give these paintings numbers rather than titles. This one is the very first one I completed.

Today's Quotation: "Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes."
-Carl Jung

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Monday, September 24, 2007


"Magical Harvest"
The original 22 x 28 inch painting is in a private collection.
I am offering a 16x20 inch double matted print for $35 + shipping at eBay.
Purchase at eBay here
...or buy a print on canvas or paper at Imagekind here

The backdrop for this painting is one of my favorite shawls. I grew the butternut squash in my garden. I am almost finished with my new website. I'll finally have a complete representation of my work there....and hopefully be able to put more time in at the easel.
It's been quite a project with many delays and endless 'events'impeding progress.

Today's Quotation: "Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change."

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Sunday, September 23, 2007

"THE PHOENIX RISING" by Marina Petro

"The Phoenix Rising"
The original 30 x 40 inch oil painting is in a private collection.
I am offering a 16 x 20 inch double matted print at ebay for $35 + shipping
Purchase at eBay here
...or order a print on canvas or paper in a variety of sizes at Imagekind.Com

In Egyptian mythology, the phoenix is a beautiful bird that lives for 500 years. It builds its own funeral pyre with wood and spices, sets itself on fire and rises reborn again from the ashes more beautiful than ever to live for another 500 years. The Phoenix Rising is a symbol for resurrection, immortality, triumph over adversity and the indomitable power of the human spirit.

I painted this phoenix toward the end of a long period of illness. My energy and sense of well being miraculously began to return upon it's completion.

Today's Quotation: "The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook."
William James

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Thursday, September 20, 2007

"ONE BIG APPLE" by Marina Petro

"One Big Apple"
6x8 inches
Oil on Raymar Canvas Panel
Purchase at eBay here
...or email me for other purchasing options (link below)

I love the design on the fabric used as the background for my big apple which, by the way was very sweet and delicious. I'm very happy with how this painting turned out. I'll probably use another view of this fabric for future paintings.

Daily (or almost daily) painting has been a wonderful adventure for me so far. In the past I was always painting in my head when I wasn't at the easel but it was a bit different. With the commitment to paint and post at this blog it's almost like 'someone is watching' and I have to produce something new fairly often. This has spurred a different kind of 'looking' for subject matter that is appropriate for smaller works. It's opened up a whole new world for me and I love it!

Today's Quotation: "We have to overlook our obsession with the physical body to see what our surroundings really say about our souls."
-Ptolemy Tompkins

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Saturday, September 15, 2007

"FISHIN AROUND" by Marina Petro

"Fishin Around"
6x8 inch
Oil on Raymar Canvas Panel
Purchase at eBay here
Or email me (link below) for other purchasing options

The more I look at this painting, the more I like it. It's a happy piece. I enjoy painting fruit and vegetables on fabric and am always on the lookout for fabrics with interesting patterns.

Todays Quotation: "I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life's realities."
Theodor Geisel

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007


"Beautiful Dreamer"
16x20 inches
Oil on stretched canvas

I'd mentioned in previous posts that I was working on a portrait of my granddaughter, Dominique. I thought I'd completed it a couple of weeks ago but wasn't 100% comfortable. Last week I put it back on the easel and made a minor change. I'm very happy with it now. Initially, I'd wanted to paint her portrait in a hoodie. She looks fantastic-mysterious when she's wearing a hood. I took a few hooded pics and then she sat on her porch, reached over and picked a flower from one of the hanging baskets and placed it over her ear...I quickly took the photo and it was perfect. I still want to paint her in a hood...

Today's Quote: "Love is the beauty of the soul."
Saint Augustine

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Monday, September 10, 2007

"LUNAR ANGEL" by Marina Petro

"Lunar Angel"
I might be posting older work for a day or two. Today was interrupted by car trouble which took most of the day to resolve and I'm just too pooped!

Lunar Angel is one of my favorite paintings.
The 22x28 inch original oil on canvas has been sold. I have the image available in several formats and you can email me if you are interested. I am offering it on sale at my eBay store in a 16 x 20 double matted version for the very reasonable price of $35 + shipping.
Purchase Lunar Angel here

Today's Quotation: "When you flow like water you bring all of your talents and resources to your creative work... Flow around every obstacle you encounter, including any you've erected yourself."
-Eric Maisel

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Sunday, September 9, 2007


"Sun & Moon"
6x8 inches
Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

"Sun And Moon" is a re-post. I've been very busy painting and setting up my Imagekind.Com galleries and didn't want to get sidetracked with photographing new work and all that jazz today. Now you can purchase reproductions on canvas or paper...framed or unframed...of a large selection of my artwork online at Imagekind. Imagekind has a wonderful reputation for excellent quality reproductions and service with a 'no questions asked' return policy.

Marina's IMAGEKIND Galleries

Daily Quotation: "Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere."
-Carl Sagan

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Saturday, September 8, 2007

"TIPSY" by Marina Petro

6x8 inches
Oil on Raymar Canvas Panel

It was a little tricky getting these little tipsy pears to stay put long enough to paint them. I must be a curious sight to other shoppers at the supermarket fruit bins as I thoughtfully pick up one piece of fruit after another...sometimes contemplating them in my outstretched palm...other times balancing them on the closest flat surface I can find...moving them around in different positions...It's fun!

I hope this painting displays it's rich colors on your computer screen. I am the very happy owner of a Macintosh computer but what I see may not be what you see if you have a Windows computer.

Today's Quote: "If your daily life seems poor, do not blame it; blame yourself that you are not poet enough to call forth its riches; for the Creator, there is no poverty."
-Rainer Maria Rilke

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Thursday, September 6, 2007

"TIDAL MOON" by Marina Petro

"Tidal Moon"
22 x 28 inches
Oil on stretched canvas
Email me for purchasing options (link is below)

"Tidal Moon" was painted spontaneously straight from my imagination. It was painted a while ago. I re-painted a few areas last week, signed it, and am now happy with it.

Now, about the contest. Many thanks to all who participated. There really wasn't a true winner because I am still keeping the title "Autumn Mist" at least for now. dear friend and subscriber, Valerie Borfitz came the closest to it so she wins the print. Here's a partial excerpt of what she submitted.

"Regarding Autumn Mist - the setting happens to be an autumn landscape, but that is most relevant because it helps to evoke the eeriness and mystery of the scene. Autumn creates a dynamic landscape that is bare except for the beautiful leaves that create a blanket over the seeds and roots of next years potential growth. It is the time of tremendous change, with a hint of death and other things hidden. The mist conveys similiar feelings of change, and the unknown.

Mist always seems to me to be other-worldly (especially when I am alone in the woods), and I feel the presence of more than what clearly meets the eye. Like the mists I have experienced, your painting feels magical, a little bit scarey, and full of promise of the discovery of something unknown. I would think to name the painting "Mist(y) Presence", or something like that. It is a very wonderful painting, and I would be happy to buy a print of it!! Congratulations on another exceptional work."

Today's Quotation: "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing."

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Tuesday, September 4, 2007

"CELESTIAL ANGEL" by Marina Petro

"Celestial Angel"
Acrylic on Gallery Wrap Canvas-Painted on all sides
Purchase at eBay here
...or email me (link is below)

Celestial Angel is actually one of the first daily paintings I completed but never posted.

I didn't paint much over this holiday weekend...kind of a lost weekend. We went to the Saratoga Racetrack yesterday.The track is not my favorite place but I caved to make my sweetheart of 13 years happy. Lucky day for me. I won $216 on a $4 bet and I didn't even know what I was doing! I would have won another $100 but the teller made a mistake with my ticket and there was nothing that could be done.

I haven't been painting as much as I'd like because I'm putting in a lot of time setting up galleries of my paintings at ImageKind.Com. Very soon, you will be able to order prints of a large selection of my work (including my paintings from "The Zone") online in a wide variety of sizes on paper AND canvas...framed or unframed. I'm very excited about this venture. ImageKind has an excellent reputation for excellent quality printing, reasonable prices and service. I'll keep you posted.

Daily Quotation: "I am in love with the beautiful in all its manifestations, from the life of man to that of nature and the infinite. I behold the sky; I think of the infinite. All my art is a metaphysical endeavor to overcome visible realities. I search for synthesis and strive to realize a pictorial poem, with as much lyrical content as possible. A painter is a poet who paints poems."
-Gerardo Dottori

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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

"Autumn Mist" by Marina Petro

"Autumn Mist"
24x20 inches
Oil on stretched canvas
Email me to inquire or purchase (link below)

Well, am I versatile or what? Is it to my benefit or detriment? I am going to lament again about the criticism I have received because of the many styles and subject matter I choose to paint. and painting is such an adventure...and so many things spark my creative spirit that I just can't help it. So there it is. What do you think?

I finished this painting yesterday. I'm not 100% sure I like the title I've given it. If anyone is up to suggesting another title, I'd love it if you emailed me with your suggestions. If I happen to love a title anyone has suggested more than "Autumn Mist" I will be happy to send you an 8x10 inch print of this painting. If I decide to keep "Autumn Mist" but there's one submission that came close to changing my mind, I'll consider you the winner and send you a print. Someone wins in any case. I'll keep this little contest going until Tuesday, September 4. You can email your suggestions to me from the email link below.

Today's Quotation: "Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere."
-Carl Sagan

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Sunday, August 26, 2007

"ANGEL DESCENDING" by Marina Petro

"Angel Descending"
16x20 Double Matted Print
Purchase at eBay here
Starting Bid $24.99
Greeting cards available-email me for info.

This has been one of my most popular paintings. The original was sold years ago. Prints and cards have sold in the hundreds since. I've always felt that this particular angel brought blessings with her descent. Truthfully, I never thought it was that great a painting and I've been amazed at it's popularity. My angels seem to just paint themselves and each one is always a surprise. Painting is such a great adventure!

Today's Quotation: "If you bring forth what is within you what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you."
-Jesus, from The Gnostic Teachings

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Friday, August 24, 2007

"LEMON" by Marina Petro

6x8 inches
Oil on Raymar Canvas Panel
email me to purchase (link is below)

If you have been following my posts you will remember how excited I get when I find a piece of fruit with the leaves still attached. I got lucky again in my local Price Chopper. As I passed the fresh flower counter I noticed a bunch of leaves that were quite different than the ordinary ferns they use for bouquets....lemon leaves! I had some lemons home and here we are with today's painting. I'm happy with the outcome. Hope you enjoy viewing it too.

Today's Quote: "Making art is like giving a gift: evidence of your spirit and that you are here."
-Patty Mitchell

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Thursday, August 23, 2007

"THE APPEARANCE" (detail) by Marina Petro

"The Appearance" (detail) by Marina Petro

16x20 matted print available
Purchase at eBay here
Also available as greeting card and print on paper and giclee on canvas.
Email me for details (link below)

This angel was painted a few years ago after I heard a distressing report about the current war.

Today's Quote: "The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook."
-William James

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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

"THE SECRET PLACE" by Marina Petro

"The Secret Place"
20x24 inches
Oil on Canvas
email me to purchase-link is below

Another product from my fertile imagination. It's always intriguing for me when I begin a painting with nothing in mind. It is a discipline to keep my mind free of impressions and just let the 'spirit' move me. I began this painting with Raw Umber, applying paint thinly in darks and lights, keeping my mind clear, until an image emerged that I wanted to work with.

Today's Quote: "Resistance is directly proportional to love. If you're feeling massive resistance, the good news is it means there's tremendous love there too. If you didn't love the project that is terrifying you, you wouldn't feel anything. The opposite of love isn't hate; it's indifference. The more resistance you experience, the more important your unmanifested art/project/enterprise is to you-and the more gratification you will feel when you finally do it."
-Steven Pressfield
From the book "The War Of Art"

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Sunday, August 19, 2007

"PEAR" by Marina Petro

Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas
Purchase here at eBay
email me for other purchase options (link below)

Just returned from a weekend away so this is a repost. I enjoy painting fruit with patterned fabric backgrounds but it makes it difficult to complete the painting in one day. Haven't been painting this weekend but I've been fantasizing about all the paintings I'd love to paint. Hopefully you will see them soon.

Today's Quotation: "Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men."
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

"Approaching Eden"

"Approaching Eden"
5x7 inches
Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas-painted sides
Purchase at eBay here
or email me for other options (link below)

This is one of my earlier daily paintings. It might take me a week or so to get back on track and begin photographing and posting new paintings. I will be away this weekend without access to the internet. Funny thing about the daily painting movement. Since I came on board and created this blog (which I am delighted I did) I feel like 'someone is watching'....and I suppose they are. There's a sense of needing to produce a finished painting every day which isn't always possible...lately it's been difficult and I'm doing the best I can. I'm usually working on a larger painting at any given time as well as these baby paintings which I love to do.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy what I am presenting. Approaching Eden was painted from my imagination and I am pleased with it. It flowed beautifully which isn't always the case. From time to time I'll begin a painting and it turns to mud or something I wouldn't want to hang in a room with the lights out.

So now that I've posted I'll get back to working on my next painting.

Today's Quotation: "We have a wonderful world to be inspired by and each new day is like an adventure into the unknown, where things that require a second glance can be captured in time on a canvas for anyone to enjoy forever."
-Louise Corke

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Sunday, August 12, 2007

"JOYFUL GARDEN" by Marina Petro

"Joyful Garden"
Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas-painted around all sides
href="">Purchase at ebay here
or email me for other arrangements (link below)

Well folks, here is another repost. I wasn't able to paint and probably won't be able to tomorrow. Today was one I'd like to forget. I trashed my entire Documents folder which contains EVERYTHING I've done on this computer, including all my paintings, workshops, etc...Fortunately I backed everything up just yesterday to an external hard drive but was only able to retrieve back to June of this year so...another trip to the Apple Computer Store tomorrow to see what they can do for me. Wish me luck...

Joyful Garden was painted spontaneously from my imagination. It flowed so beautifully and was just a pleasure to paint. I hope you enjoy it!

Today's quote: "I close my eyes in order to see..."
-Paul Gauguin

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Wednesday, August 8, 2007

"THREE PEARS" by Marina Petro

"Three Pears"
6x8 inches
Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas
Purchase at ebay here me for other arrangements.

I've posted this painting before but thought I'd post it again today. I've slowed down a bit with the heat wave we've been in. Didn't feel much like photographing anything new. This does seem to be a slow period on all accounts. I'm working hard recreating my new website and hope to have it up and running soon. Most of my artwork will be reflected there, including my paintings from "The Zone" and most of the daily paintings.

I also have a four-week "Master Your Intuition" workshop coming up next month that needs to be promoted so...I'm a busy girl.

Today's Quotation: "To a nonpainter, oil paint is uninteresting and faintly unpleasant. To a painter, it is the life's blood: a substance so utterly entrancing, infuriating, and ravishingly beautiful that it makes it worthwhile to go back into the studio every morning, year after year, for an entire lifetime."
-James Elkins

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Tuesday, August 7, 2007

"LIME POW WOW" by Marina Petro

"Lime Pow Wow"
Oil on Raymar Canvas Panel
Purchase here at ebay me directly

I love the brilliance of the limes against the deeper red background of the fabric in this painting. Don't they look like they are conferring in the corner? I'm amusing myself with fruit lately...arranging them in various groupings. You won't see them all because I haven't had time to paint them all. When they begin to get soft they serve their primary purpose in be eaten...

Today's quotation is from my fortune cookie in last night's chinese takeout.

Daily Quotation: "Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become."

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Sunday, August 5, 2007

"BREAKING THRU" by Marina Petro

"Breaking Thru"
4x6 inches
Original Oil Painting on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Purchase at eBay here
or email me to make other arrangements

Another painting brought forth from my imagination. It's dream like quality evokes a state of peace and calm when I view it.

Daily Quotation: "If we have not quiet in our minds, outward comfort will do no more for us than a golden slipper on a gouty foot."
-John Bunyan

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